Separating ‘human being’ from ‘person’

When someone offers the foolish “It’s a human but not a person” argument to support abortion – remind them that the three personal characteristics that separate us from other animals are reason, free will (both of which begin to operate at 7, the ‘age of reason’), and self-consciousness (which kicks in at around 3). Inform […]... Read More
St. Peter

Peter’s Response

Valuing the gifts over the gift-Giver and His will is a serious, common problem. “I didn’t have time to think about these things, with work, family, and electronic media all vying for my attention” is the mantra of so many souls in hell. Response from St. Peter at Heaven’s gate? “You erroneously substituted “have” for […]... Read More

3 Levels of Human Life

The 3 levels of human life – vegetative, animal, and rational – are sustained by water, blood, and spirit respectively. Given on the cross from the human nature of Jesus, the conduit of divine life, is water and blood (Jn 19:34) and Spirit (Jn 19:30), to sacramentally nourish us in Baptism (water), Eucharist (blood), and […]... Read More
insane 3

The Era of Unreason

Other than the point that they’ve chosen the never-ending misery of hell as their eternal destiny, the problem with post-Christian “progressives” is that while they crown humanity its own god, they must reject not only faith, but reason. There’s no way to reasonably claim human beings don’t begin at conception, that marriage is meant to […]... Read More
Christ and bride

The Mass: the Nuptial Celebration of the Eternal Marriage

The Mass is the nuptial celebration between Christ and His bride the Church.  As with all marital love, there is first intimacy of words before intimacy of bodies. Christ tells His bride how much He loves her in the liturgy of the word. She then gives herself to Him in the offertory; and He enters […]... Read More

Late-night pondering, out loud…..

A little late-night pondering out loud….. Most Asian nations are shame-societies, because, for the most part, they’re pre-Christian. It makes sense they’re still living Genesis 3:7-8 as their psycho-social norm. Christian nations are joy-societies, especially the poor ones, now mainly found in Africa and Latin America. They’re Acts chapter 2 societies, that know God redeemed […]... Read More
My body my choice

Why the Kansas abortion vote wasn’t shocking

The Kansas referendum on abortion (Aug. 2, 2022) shouldn’t be surprising. In the dawn of our post-Roe era, we’ve had 50 years of brainwashing and social reconstruction that has desecrated marriage, broken down the family, and left society utterly confused about what it means to be human as male and female. In such a unique […]... Read More

Sexual Bulimia

The term “unprotected sex” is irrational. Procreation is a sign of health. It’s like saying “unprotected eating” when referring to eating without purposely impeding digestion and nutrition. Procreation and nutrition are natural ends of food and sex; whereas contraception and bulimia are not protection, but abuse. The fact that this simple logic of natural law […]... Read More
crucifixion of Christ

Why do we call it the “passion” of Christ?

Today, on Passion Sunday, its reasonable to reflect on why we call Jesus’ suffering and death the “passion” of the Christ, when the word today is used to mean intense emotion for something or someone. Both meanings come from the Latin root ‘pati’, meaning to endure or undergo hardship. In ancient times this word was […]... Read More
HV cover

54th Anniversary: Most Important Document of Our Times

July 25, 1968 Today is the 53rd anniversary of Humanae Vitae, the Church’s official response to the invention of the birth control pill. It gave a personalist touch to her constant unbroken 2000 yr. teaching on the moral status of contraception; which had been confirmed 38 yrs. earlier in Pius XI’s Casti Connubii. It was […]... Read More
Hirono - Barrett

Is ‘Sexual Preference’ Outdated?!

In the Senate Judiciary hearings last week, Sen. Mazie Hirono of Hawaii scolded Amy Coney Barrett – not for her judicial philosophy, but for using the term “sexual preference.” Hirono argued the term is outdated and offensive, since no one chooses homosexuality or transgenderism. This illustrates two common disingenuous tactics that characterize the progressive Left: […]... Read More
Feinstein - Barrett

The Dogma Lives Loudly within You

“The dogma lives loudly within you.” We are a believing species. Unlike animals that live by instinct alone, our intellects must judge truth from falsehood, right from wrong. We must discern and choose to believe certain tenets about reality. We know what we know through three means of information: faith, reason, and experience. This corresponds […]... Read More