When Killing the Innocent Becomes Inevitable

In one sense, abortion is inevitable in a society that rejects its Christian heritage. Human sacrifice was common and universal in pre-Christian times, as it is in post-Christian times with abortion. Original sin created such vile in the human heart that killing the innocent became a common way of cathartically soothing it. Christ willingly became […]... Read More

Joe and Sally Discuss Attending an Invalid Wedding

Sally: Hi Joe. Are you coming to my Wendy’s wedding? Joe: Oh, I’m sorry Sally, I’m unable to make that. I was about to send you back the RSVP letting you know. Sally: Oh, no! You have an emergency? Joe: No. It’s that Wendy is a baptized Catholic, which means that if she “marries” outside […]... Read More
Three faiths

The Key Inconsistancy in Judaism and Islam

It seems that non-Christian monotheists (Jews, Muslims) have a strong sense of justice on the micro level but not the macro level. This is a bit perplexing. Retaliation and vengeance to make things right have long traditions in these faith communities; but even with this collective sense of justice, the need to properly make things […]... Read More

Falsehood Leads to Two Extremes

It’s interesting that today’s post-Christian agnosticism holds two extremes with regard to the afterlife: there is no Heaven and everyone goes to Heaven. In other words, nobody goes there and everyone goes there. But this is the normal pattern that results from holding onto an erroneous premise. Some other examples: Modern societies that do not […]... Read More
Wedding reception 2

What exactly are they celebrating?

Today is the solemnity of the beheading of John the Baptist; a very important witness for our time. As the precurser of Jesus, John was martyred for pointing out the illicit union and invalid marriage of Herod Antipas and Herodius. According to today’s gospel, both were offended by John’s words. But notice their different reactions: […]... Read More

The Irrational Minds of Rational Creatures

This life is infinitely smaller than a drop of water in the never ending ocean of eternity. Yet, what percentage of our thoughts and attention focus on the temporal and worldly? It makes no sense. To test this hypothesis, count the conversations you hear today that relate to earthly and temporal things vs. unchanging truth […]... Read More

Why do Catholics venerate Mary?

There are many reasons. But here is one angle: God’s original command was to Adam. The “nchsh” (interpreted ‘serpent’ and ‘dragon’ in Scripture) at Eden can be interpreted as a demonic threatening force. From this perspective: Eve persuaded Adam to save himself at the expense of humanity (Gn 3:6). Mary persuaded Jesus to begin the […]... Read More
Pro-life GOP

Is the GOP a Pro-Life Party?

While the GOP is a giant leap closer to justice than the party of death on government’s obligation to protect the most vulnerable, they’ve got a long way to go. For justice to prevail, three general principles of reason, confirmed by science, must be realized and fully embraced: . 1) All human beings, whose lifecycle […]... Read More
genesis 1-27 Gn 1-27

The Regressivism of Progressivism

One fascinating paradox, easily discernable, is that while the man-centered universe of secular progressivism promises to benefit each person by making him his own authority (i.e. his own god), it accomplishes the exact opposite. All the ‘liberal’ ideals the West cherishes, such as inalienable human rights and the equality of dignity in each individual, have […]... Read More

Pornography — A Public Health Crisis?

Originally published Aug. 2016 in The Valley Patriot    When I was growing up I saw Democrats and Republicans switch values on the important cultural issues defining what it means to be human. Democrats were pro-life and supported natural marriage while Republicans were liberal on cultural issues. This changed when Rockefeller Republicanism evolved into Reaganism, […]... Read More
Bride of Christ Man and Cross

The Church is an Organism of Divine and Human Origin

The problem of failing to recognize the human being as an organism existing from conception is mirrored in failing to understand the Church as an organism— conceived with Christ’s calling the apostles and born on Pentecost day. With Christ as its Head and the Holy Spirit as its soul, the baptized in the state of […]... Read More

The Dehumanizing Effect of Fornication

“We’re in relationships for years, giving our bodies [to our boyfriends]. Then it ends. You just gave your whole self to someone…and it ends. We wonder why we’re so depleted and broken? There’s a reason [God] makes the rules the way He does.” —Actress & model Arielle Reitsma, on our demon-inspired “relationship” culture... Read More