Man up 2

What’s the Deal with the Lack of ‘Real Men’?

Women are publicly complaining that there aren’t enough “real men” today. A real man controls himself and his environment according to the true and good. This means taking responsibility and providing reliable leadership. . If men cannot control themselves they will never lead well. Yet, for 50 years men have been given little motivation to […]... Read More
Begotten, Not Made

The Ethics of IVF, in a Nutshell

This is my first criticism of Trump’s presidency, but it’s a big one. . He signed an order expanding IVF. His spiritual life is a journey, as is all of ours, and I greatly appreciate his presidency beginning to reverse our age of insanity on the political level. Nonetheless, In Vitro Fertilization is a grave […]... Read More
Exec order

Executive Orders and Our Culture of Death

By reversing the government’s involvement in sex-change mutilation, Trump is able to address by executive order the tail end of our culture of insanity. It’s a good sign, of course, but we still live in a society that murders half its babies before birth, kills ten preborn children for every one  brought to term in […]... Read More
Eucharist and Marriage

Is Communion in the Hand the Main Cause of the Problem?

Many believe faith in the Eucharist, or more specifically in the real presence, has waned in recent decades due to Communion in the hand and the Novus ordo. I tend to think a greater factor has been the desecration of marriage. The sacraments of Marriage and the Eucharist are inextricably linked as the sacraments of […]... Read More

Logic and Big-Bang Cosmology

The current scientific standard of big-bang cosmology is fascinating, but it raises some very basic questions that must eventually be answered. If the universe began with a big bang from an infinitesimal point of singularity that contains all matter, time, and space, and continues to expand exponentially, then: How did the original material that ‘banged’ […]... Read More
Holy Spirit2

Hearts Unopened to God in the Bread and in the Wind

In today’s gospel, after the multiplication of the loaves, Jesus has His disciples get on a boat toward Bethsaida while He remained on shore to pray. The disciples eventually were tossed around on the sea due to the wind before Jesus walked on the water and came aboard, stilling the wind for them. What might […]... Read More
Primitive vs Modern

Big Difference between Not Knowing and Rejecting

Natural law morality is universally accessible through human reason alone. In theory, no religious faith is necessary to grasp and accept it. Natural law is the moral code that corresponds to the ends and goods of human nature, for optimal human fulfillment. Although the pre-Christian pagan world that never knew Truth incarnate was primitive and […]... Read More

All Matter Has Meaning

All things are composed of matter and form. Matter is the expression of being and form is its essence/meaning. Matter without form is unintelligible. Words are simply sounds or scribbles without  interpretating and extracting meaning from them. This is a reflection of Christ as God’s Word and the Spirit as He who makes Him intelligible […]... Read More