12 Quick Points to Ponder on the Redemption of Man

1) Man’s sins are an infinite offense against the infinite and perfect goodness of God; an injustice that causes a profound rupture between God and man. Since disunion with God is Hell, mankind by sinning chose its eternal destiny. 2) To be reconciled with God, the offender (mankind represented in Adam) must pay the price […]... Read More

How Can Jesus Command Us to Love Our Enemies?

Today’s gospel reading has Jesus exhorting His followers to love their enemies, contrasting this with Jewish and pagan teaching. . There are two places mentioned in scripture that Jesus’ followers express dismay at the difficulty of His teaching: consuming Him in the Eucharist (Jn 6:66) and His ban on divorce (Mt 19:10). If there were […]... Read More
Trinity symbol

Reflecting the Trinity

Love begets truth, which together produces life. Likewise, truth is the form of love, which is inherently life-giving. This eternal paradigm of the Blessed Trinity reflected in creation corresponds to the truth of our being, i.e. human nature. Acts that contradict the truth of human nature can never be love, despite any subjective desire or […]... Read More
ballot box

Necessity of Evangelization over Politics

With one disappointing election after another, we must admit that after 50 years of cultural decay, attempting to change things through the political process may be futile. Our nation as a whole has rejected Reason (the Logos) and embraced irrational power-driven hypocrisy that seeks to dominate others for one’s own selfish ends. This latter way […]... Read More

Building a Spiritual Second Floor without a Foundation

Every good parent (and good authority figure in general) in the beginning spells out with clarity what the boundaries are.  Analogously, when children know the acceptable area on which they can play, they then may be free to play to their heart’s content. The fence around the yard keeps them safe  from danger. This is […]... Read More
Jesus knocking Jesus knocking

The Bottom Line Commandment

In today’s gospel, Jesus separates the sheep from the goats – in principle – with one simple line: “If you love me you will keep my commandments” (Jn 14:15). We can infer that those who don’t, won’t. Since this fundamental precept is the difference in one’s eternal destiny between Heaven from Hell, it’s imperative that […]... Read More
Hirono - Barrett

Is ‘Sexual Preference’ Outdated?!

In the Senate Judiciary hearings last week, Sen. Mazie Hirono of Hawaii scolded Amy Coney Barrett – not for her judicial philosophy, but for using the term “sexual preference.” Hirono argued the term is outdated and offensive, since no one chooses homosexuality or transgenderism. This illustrates two common disingenuous tactics that characterize the progressive Left: […]... Read More