The Logic from Contraception to a Culture of Death

The logic is consistent. Whenever a people accept contraception, abortion and other perversities are soon to follow. With U.S. law, it was contraception (1965), abortion (1973), and unnatural “marriage” (2015). In Ireland, it was contraception (1979), unnatural “marriage” (2015), and abortion (2018). Contraception is the catalyst that by attempting to separate love from life, it […]... Read More
Trump and Ginsburg

The Race between DJT and RGB

Since the Great Media Meltdown of election night 2016, the media & Democratic Party have unsuccessfully pounced on one topic after another to take down President Trump – hoping, spinning, and interpreting everything for this end. Will this latest one stick? I doubt it but we’ll see…   Why is this happening?  Let’s go beneath […]... Read More

An ‘Unplanned’ Reflection

I saw Unplanned on Friday. Everyone on the fence about the morality of prenatal homicide should certainly see it. Abbey Johnson confirmed in the movie what anyone with insight already knew: the typical pattern in descending order that continues to uphold our culture of death is: 1) Fornication with one’s boyfriend 2) Abortion, out of […]... Read More