When Killing the Innocent Becomes Inevitable

In one sense, abortion is inevitable in a society that rejects its Christian heritage. Human sacrifice was common and universal in pre-Christian times, as it is in post-Christian times with abortion. Original sin created such vile in the human heart that killing the innocent became a common way of cathartically soothing it. Christ willingly became […]... Read More

Choosing Fear Over Faith, Reason, and Common Sense

Those who condemn abortion but support premarital sex are like those who condemn bulimia but support gluttony. Likewise, condemning abortion while supporting contraception is like condemning rape while supporing misogeny. You don’t extinguish a fire by adding fuel. And you don’t end one moral evil by supporting another. Doing so is, in itself, a moral […]... Read More

The Logic from Contraception to a Culture of Death

The logic is consistent. Whenever a people accept contraception, abortion and other perversities are soon to follow. With U.S. law, it was contraception (1965), abortion (1973), and unnatural “marriage” (2015). In Ireland, it was contraception (1979), unnatural “marriage” (2015), and abortion (2018). Contraception is the catalyst that by attempting to separate love from life, it […]... Read More
Stages of life

The Psychological Disorientation of ‘Pro-choice’

One fundamental element is missing in those who can’t see that killing the preborn at any stage of development is an abomination. There is nothing in their spirituality enabling them to lift their minds above the limits of time and space in order to interpret it properly. Let’s go beneath the surface. This vision of […]... Read More

The Pro-Life Movement’s Fatal Flaw

To destroy a condemned building you attack the pillars on which it rests. The same principle should apply to abortion. Mocking the God of Life, our culture of death rests on an undivided triunity of grave sin. And here's the fatal flaw of the pro-life movement, and why the slaughter of innocents continues: You will never end abortion by focusing on abortion.... Read More
Contraception to abortion 2

Pro-life Necessarily Means Anti-Contraception

Being pro-life necessarily means being anti-contraception. History and psychology demonstrate moral acceptance of killing the baby-making act precedes moral acceptance of killing babies. It’s often the case with individuals and invariably with nations. It’s no coincidence Griswold v. Connecticut was decided just 7 ½ years before Roe v. Wade. In many nations the birth control […]... Read More

Separating ‘human being’ from ‘person’

When someone offers the foolish “It’s a human but not a person” argument to support abortion – remind them that the three personal characteristics that separate us from other animals are reason, free will (both of which begin to operate at 7, the ‘age of reason’), and self-consciousness (which kicks in at around 3). Inform […]... Read More
devil reading List Game plan

The Devil’s Playbook for the End Times

Many Catholics are familiar with the story of Pope Leo XIII falling into some kind of trance after Mass one day in the 19th century and having a vision of Jesus and Satan conversing. The devil allegedly said he could destroy Christ’s Church if allowed to cause havoc for the following hundred years. Jesus granted […]... Read More
My body my choice

Why the Kansas abortion vote wasn’t shocking

The Kansas referendum on abortion (Aug. 2, 2022) shouldn’t be surprising. In the dawn of our post-Roe era, we’ve had 50 years of brainwashing and social reconstruction that has desecrated marriage, broken down the family, and left society utterly confused about what it means to be human as male and female. In such a unique […]... Read More

The Anti-Trinity of Our Time: You can’t defeat abortion by focusing on abortion

Click here on key insight on how to defeat abortion. Hint: It relates to the nature of the Trinity, which, of course, is the nature of Reality. My latest article. https://www.catholic365.com/article/19337/the-anti-trinity-of-our-time-you-cant-defeat-abortion-by-focusing-on-abortion.html... Read More

Uncomfortable Post-Roe Dialogue between Mother and Child

What everyone under 50 realizes subconsciously: Since Roe legalized prenatal homicide, they are survivors of the abortion age. .    .     AAS = Abortion Age Survivor .    .     PCA = Pro-Choice Advocate AAS – Ma, you call yourself ‘pro-choice’. Did I have any brothers or sisters? PCA – What kind of question […]... Read More

Was barring Pelosi from Communion right?

'Catholic' politicians for far too long have taken anti-Catholic stands while touting themselves as Catholics. One archbishop has finally done something about this. But is there a moral difference between support for abortion and support for other so-called life issues? Let's go beneath the surface.... Read More