The Key to Life: Reflecting the Trinity

One reason the nation and the Church have lasted and prospered as long as they have (although the first is now floudering due to rejecting God), is that they both reflect the Blessed Trinity: Executive, legislative, and judicial branches, as well as Scripture, Tradition, and the Magisterium, both reflect, albeit imperfectly, the eternal dynamic of […]... Read More

Choosing Fear Over Faith, Reason, and Common Sense

Those who condemn abortion but support premarital sex are like those who condemn bulimia but support gluttony. Likewise, condemning abortion while supporting contraception is like condemning rape while supporing misogeny. You don’t extinguish a fire by adding fuel. And you don’t end one moral evil by supporting another. Doing so is, in itself, a moral […]... Read More

Can a Catholic in Good Conscience Attend an Invalid Wedding?

One of the more fraught decisions virtually every Catholic must face in the modern era is what to do when invited to the invalid wedding of a family member or friend. And while the attendance decision itself can be excruciating, the moral dilemmas pertaining to addressing and accommodating a loved one who entered a false […]... Read More

Two ‘hard’ Teachings of Christ are Related

It is fascinating that the two places in the New Testament that Jesus’ followers complain about His teachings are related to the intimacy of holy communion: the communion of man and woman in Marriage and the communion of Christ and Church in the Eucharist. The revolt was against Christ’s teaching that Marriage is exclusive and […]... Read More
St Peter's square

There is No Progresssive or Conservative Catholicism

Whenever one takes a journey there are essential and non-essential things to consider. The essentials are necessary and cannot be changed while the non-essentials are optional and changeable by nature. The journey through life to heaven is no different. Therefore, there is no such thing as progressive Catholicism or conservative Catholicism with regard to the […]... Read More

12 Quick Points to Ponder on the Redemption of Man

1) Man’s sins are an infinite offense against the infinite and perfect goodness of God; an injustice that causes a profound rupture between God and man. Since disunion with God is Hell, mankind by sinning chose its eternal destiny. 2) To be reconciled with God, the offender (mankind represented in Adam) must pay the price […]... Read More
Genesis 2

Creation and Evolution: Where Faith and Science Merge

Divine Revelation tells us that God created, and to a certain extent what He created; but did not intend to tell us exactly how or when. That’s for the realm of science and history respectively. With regard to man, the inspired text of Genesis 2:7 can be interpreted as an instantaeous act of God, or […]... Read More

When a Protestant hears ‘Church’….

When a Protestant hears a Catholic use the word ‘Church’ he hears man-made traditions and idolatry of saints. When a Catholic uses the word ‘Church’ he means the mystical body of Christ whose three realms (Heaven, Purgatory, Earth) with its divine Head are united and animated by the Holy Spirit. The first believes the gospels […]... Read More

Victim, Offender, and Conquerer

In a post-Eden world, we all suffer the injustices of others. In this sense we’re all victims. . In the context of being sinners, we are also all perpetrators. . We become victors by uniting to Christ, who affirms: “In the world you will have tribulation, but take courage, I have conquered the world” (Jn […]... Read More