Anger, Intelligence, and Compassion: A Portrait of ‘Pro-choice’ People

Anger, Intelligence, and Compassion. Three words that are double-edged swords. Anger can destroy but can also be channeled to right a wrong. The intellect can see truth or it can blind one to the truth. Compassion is a gift when it moves someone to comfort and console, but a weapon when used to enable destructive […]... Read More

Nature vs. Ideology: Revulsion can be good as the soul’s warning to avoid evil

NATURE.  Human beings have a natural adversity to unnatural behaviors, usually taking the form of disgust or anger.  This is normal and healthy. Disgust recognizes perversion and anger seeks to right an injustice. How one chooses to respond to this natural interior reaction is the ethical question, i.e. productively or destructively. Every child and every […]... Read More