5131 APTOPIX Election 2020 Washington

Anti-Trump Jubilation

Some will be offended by this post. There are two reasons: a) it’s a generality, and b) it’s true. We’ve been taught by the Left to hate both. By all objective measures (pre-covid economy, foreign entanglements, minority opportunities, fair trade, freedom of speech, conscience and religion, not laying down to China or the elite swamp, […]... Read More

Messiah-seekers don’t get it

The more I hear leftists speak about President Trump the more I realize how much they don’t get it. The Left has always sought a Messiah in their president, someone who makes them “feel good” about themselves and who promises to save them from their misery. Since they reject the Messiah, they look for one […]... Read More
Trump and Ginsburg

The Race between DJT and RGB

Since the Great Media Meltdown of election night 2016, the media & Democratic Party have unsuccessfully pounced on one topic after another to take down President Trump – hoping, spinning, and interpreting everything for this end. Will this latest one stick? I doubt it but we’ll see…   Why is this happening?  Let’s go beneath […]... Read More
Migrants in cages 3

Children, Race, and Deception

Nobody believes the far left cares about children. They wouldn’t vehemently support the daily wholesale slaughter of preborn children if they did. They also would have criticized Obama when he placed children of illegal immigrants in “cages” while processing adults, instead of waiting for the next president to display outrage. When Gov. Cuomo declared pro-lifers […]... Read More

Is TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) a real malady?

The only rival in recent history to the hate-Trump phenomenon was the hate-Bush spectacle. With both, it was not primarily their policies that were the object of intense hatred, but rather the men themselves.  Look on the social media page of any liberal leftist and you’re bound to see it. Why the unreasonable obsession and […]... Read More