Irrationality on Display

Now that the networks have declared the Communist Chinese the winners of the election, it’s fascinating to observe some of the celebration inside the Luciferian media and outside with all the “gay” flags.

One talking head spoke of the “great relief” many are feeling, but never gave a reason for it. It’s similar to how the establishment media displayed hysteria, vitriol, and scowling anchors each day for four years without ever giving an adequate reason. The economy was the best it’s ever been before the Communists unleashed the virus on the world. Endless foreign wars were ending, and unjust trade deals were rectified to keep America strong. Minorities were enjoying a more prosperous life with more opportunity than ever before. Even sodomites and fornicators were left alone to maintain their unnatural lifestyles under this president. Any reasonable person would ask: Why the great relief? Nothing that transpired over the past four years could have warranted it.

It couldn’t be the tweets. No sound person would have such a reaction. Nor could it be the racist claims, since he has proved without any reasonable doubt he’s neither racist nor anti-Semitic. He did nothing to offend women in four years, surrounding himself with women in his cabinet and placing one on the Supreme Court. I understand he pushes back on the globalist socialist agenda, but I think the elites hate him for that, not the masses.

Then what is it?

Perhaps it’s this simple: He defended Christ. He may not have been a model Christian before becoming president, but he defended the crucified and risen Christ and His mystical body the Church in a way that no president has ever done. That infuriates people, even unconsciously, who are ignoring or rejecting God in the midst of rationalizing sinful lifestyles.

If you don’t understand by now this is a great spiritual war and not just a political one, you’re misinterpreting the drama being played out in our lifetimes. 1.3 million children per year continue to be sacrificed as its major victims, and countless souls are infected by the anti-human message piped through the media to condition our consciences. Children, marriage, and the family have been devastated, while parents, teachers, and most disgracefully church leaders have sat by idly without defending the innocent. It’s no wonder so many young people look elsewhere for a Savior, including in a president.

The Leftist movement is trying to tear down what is the exception in history. Western civilization undergirded by Christian values introduced the dignity of each human person and respect for human flourishing. This includes truth for the mind, freedom for the will, and worship for the soul. Conversely, the Left has turned education into PC propaganda, teachers into thought-police, and freedom into censorship and a cancel culture. This kind of tyranny is inevitably what the pre-Christian and post-Christian eras have in common.

What is transpiring is baffling to the sound mind. Feel free to share your thoughts.

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