The Race between DJT and RGB

Since the Great Media Meltdown of election night 2016, the media & Democratic Party have unsuccessfully pounced on one topic after another to take down President Trump – hoping, spinning, and interpreting everything for this end. Will this latest one stick? I doubt it but we’ll see…
Why is this happening?  Let’s go beneath the surface.
The hysteria of the past three years has had but one objective: Dump Trump before Ruth Bader Ginsburg dies. It’s that simple. Why? Abortion. You can ignore or deny it all you want, but abortion is the underlying prize for the masters of progressivism, who unwittingly work for the devil. Dump Trump before RBG dies and no other Republican president would have the guts to nominate a Supreme Court justice certain to vote against Roe v. Wade, tipping the scales in favor of life.
Since demons can’t hurt God they go after His image on earth. The modern project to destroy humanity began as a philosophical movement away from objective truth, and then turned practical: The devil’s minions would inspire some people to invent and market a birth control pill, which would pave the way for a premarital sex culture, defaming marriage and causing widespread damage to minds, souls, and families. This, in turn, would demand an abortion culture for all the “mistakes” the new fornication society would conceive. It’s an ingenious master plan by the evil one, delighting over the blood of over a million innocent children per year in the U.S.  But none of this could have happened unless He first weakened the Church, his arch-enemy. Hence, the infiltration of his minions to within the higher echelons of the Catholic Church to silence priests and make her voice impotent against this great onslaught on human life.
Reversing Roe contradicts this plan. The devil and his human minions on the Left have been hysterical at this prospect ever since the election of Donald Trump.

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