Exec order

Executive Orders and Our Culture of Death

By reversing the government’s involvement in sex-change mutilation, Trump is able to address by executive order the tail end of our culture of insanity. It’s a good sign, of course, but we still live in a society that murders half its babies before birth, kills ten preborn children for every one  brought to term in […]... Read More

The Complementary Sexual Dynamic the Modern World Hates

Today’s first reading at Mass is the most un-PC in the New Testament (Eph 5:21-33), which, unfortunately, leads some clergy to avoid it out of lack of faith, lack of understanding, or cowardice. Yet, it offers a clear illustration of the beauty of the masculine-feminine relational dynamic, whose source is found the eternal relation between […]... Read More

The Dehumanizing Effect of Fornication

“We’re in relationships for years, giving our bodies [to our boyfriends]. Then it ends. You just gave your whole self to someone…and it ends. We wonder why we’re so depleted and broken? There’s a reason [God] makes the rules the way He does.” —Actress & model Arielle Reitsma, on our demon-inspired “relationship” culture... Read More

The war on God, and on human nature, continues

Survey: U.S. Approval Rates as of May 2019: (a) contraception 92% (b) fornication (premarital sex) 71% (c) abortion 42% (50% disapprove, but many with exceptions) (d) divorce 77% (e) euthanasia 51% (f) pornography 61% (g) homosexual relations 64% The war on God, and on human nature, continues. What many ‘pro-lifers’ don’t get is that with […]... Read More

Natural Purpose and Personal Motive

Many people ignorantly accuse the Church of teaching that people must have procreation on their minds as a conscious motive in order to engage in sexual union. This is false. To see why, we must appreciate the notion of telos, which in Greek means end/purpose/fulfillment. This applies especially to the two bodily appetites inherent in […]... Read More

Reflection: Sexual Confusion – in Eden, and the United States

Why did the serpent in Eden set his sights on the woman instead of the man?  Nothing in this Genesis story is pure happenstance. Let us reflect, beneath the surface. In being formed from man’s side, the serpent knew the woman was the heart of humanity, Adam being its head. He sensed her gift of […]... Read More

Kraft, Sex, and Cultural Confusion

Putting aside who he is, his advanced age, and how many Superbowls his team has won (and all the positive and negative baggage that comes with that), we as a society must discern exactly why we believe that what Patriots owner Bob Kraft allegedly did was wrong. There is a conglomeration of contradicting values this […]... Read More