Why is Sex the Exception?

x – We can’t force our morals on others. We don’t need morality police.
y – Are you speaking about bullying, killing, lying, or rape?
x – No, of course not. That cannot be tolerated.
y – Are you speaking of stealing, trespassing, slander, or cheating?
x – No. That’s unethical.
y – Are you speaking about disrespecting parents and other legitimate authorities, racism, or unjust discrimination?
x – No, of course not. Those are unacceptable.
y – Then the only violations of the natural moral law that remain are those related to sex. Why are these different?
x – They’re personal, and no one’s business.
y – All sin is personal. And all are violations of human nature.
x- But they do no harm. Sexual activity is victimless.
y – Really? You seem to ignore the psychological, spiritual, and social ramifications that reverberate, not to mention the physical consequences that are not immediate and obvious to your mind’s eye.
x – What’s wrong with sex outside marriage, for example, as long as both parties consent?
y – Do both parties consent to future heartbreak and its resultant hardened hearts? Do both future spouses consent? What person wants their husband or wife to have had intimate sexual union with someone else before them? Do future children consent to their mom or dad becoming one-flesh with someone else? This is a truth lost on all those conditioned by the sexual revolution:  Sexual union is not something you simply do, it is something you become. That is why Scripture calls it “two becoming one flesh.” Bodies and souls unite and intermingle to become one life, uniting two selves, creating a relation between two persons that cannot be repudiated.
x – You think too much.
y – No, I simply think. When two people become one flesh the chemical reaction begins to configure the woman’s body to the man’s. Hormones and genetic material are exchanged, altering cell signaling in the woman’s body. Studies have shown male cells with Y chromosomes have been found in woman’s bodies, including in their brains and vital organs, which is shared from male fetuses they have once gestated. The DNA springs from her male sex partner. However, these same studies also noted that some women with such male microchimerism in them have never had sons, spurring speculation that this phenomenon of male microchimerism in women may occur directly through intercourse – two becoming one flesh. Also, there are studies in fruit flies indicating what dog breeders have known for centuries: that male sex partners in animals effect the characteristics of a female’s offspring sired by a different future mate. This is called telegony. There are many unknown factors that result from two uniting through sexual intercourse, even when there is no emotional attachment or commitment (see 1 Cor 6:16); none of which can be good for marriage or the family. We will find out more on what it means to be one-flesh with another as medical science advances, but deep in the heart or conscience of all people – under all the layers of cultural brainwashing – everyone knows there are profound ramifications. It is no coincidence one of the biggest regrets a person of good conscience has on their wedding day is to be unable to give oneself fully and uniquely as an opened gift to one’s spouse, as marriage is meant to be. Further, one cannot deny that memories of past sexual unions are strongly embedded in the psyche, acting as an obstacle to the total exclusive and unique nature of spousal love. In this sense, former “lovers” become part of the marriage like uninvited invaders that refuse to be exiled. Forgiveness is, of course, possible and most important, but actions do have temporal consequences.
x – I guess I’ve never thought this through, have I?
y – Since the sexual revolution and its revolt against God and human nature have blinded us to these truths, not too many people have.
x – Thanks for a lot of important food for thought. If half of what you say is true, we need to warn young people with all of our heart and energy.
y – No question. Their future happiness depends on it.

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