Holy Spirit2

Hearts Unopened to God in the Bread and in the Wind

In today’s gospel, after the multiplication of the loaves, Jesus has His disciples get on a boat toward Bethsaida while He remained on shore to pray. The disciples eventually were tossed around on the sea due to the wind before Jesus walked on the water and came aboard, stilling the wind for them. What might […]... Read More
Bride of Christ Man and Cross

The Church is an Organism of Divine and Human Origin

The problem of failing to recognize the human being as an organism existing from conception is mirrored in failing to understand the Church as an organism— conceived with Christ’s calling the apostles and born on Pentecost day. With Christ as its Head and the Holy Spirit as its soul, the baptized in the state of […]... Read More

The Key to Life: Reflecting the Trinity

One reason the nation and the Church have lasted and prospered as long as they have (although the first is now floudering due to rejecting God), is that they both reflect the Blessed Trinity: Executive, legislative, and judicial branches, as well as Scripture, Tradition, and the Magisterium, both reflect, albeit imperfectly, the eternal dynamic of […]... Read More

When a Protestant hears ‘Church’….

When a Protestant hears a Catholic use the word ‘Church’ he hears man-made traditions and idolatry of saints. When a Catholic uses the word ‘Church’ he means the mystical body of Christ whose three realms (Heaven, Purgatory, Earth) with its divine Head are united and animated by the Holy Spirit. The first believes the gospels […]... Read More
Moses seat

Do as they say, not as they do?

Today’s gospel reading includes this from Matthew 23:1-3: . “Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples, ‘The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses’ seat; therefore, do whatever they teach you and follow it; but do not do as they do, for they do not practice what they teach.'” . Jesus speaks of […]... Read More

God and His Secondary Causes

Rational inconsistencies fascinate me. . The ancient world had a simple grasp of the universe that saw all phenomena as direct signs from God or the gods. . While almost all modern Christians willingly give credence to the notion that in the order of nature, God as first Cause uses secondary causes to bring about […]... Read More

‘Real’ Difference between Catholicism and Protestantism

Since biblical times the Church has been known as the bride of Christ (cf., Eph 5:21-35). This is an important metaphor for understanding what it means to be Christian. The two elements that create an unbreakable marriage covenant are consent and consummation – when the couple says “I do” with their words, and then with […]... Read More

The Amazing Wonder of Pentecost

Today’s readings for Pentecost Sunday cover the Holy Spirit being released to the world and St. Paul’s preaching that Christ’s baptized followers are members of His body (the Church), because all are in the one Spirit. We can extrapolate that as the soul is the form and life of the body, the Holy Spirit is […]... Read More
3 popes 6

Pope Francis?

John Paul II and Benedict XVI represented Catholicism unusually well. Nevertheless, bad popes are still popes, just like a bad father remains your father, regardless. Jesus as Head of His body the Church is ultimately in control, not the one to whom He gives the keys as successor of St. Peter. The prime minister can […]... Read More
HV cover

54th Anniversary: Most Important Document of Our Times

July 25, 1968 Today is the 53rd anniversary of Humanae Vitae, the Church’s official response to the invention of the birth control pill. It gave a personalist touch to her constant unbroken 2000 yr. teaching on the moral status of contraception; which had been confirmed 38 yrs. earlier in Pius XI’s Casti Connubii. It was […]... Read More
Mary, Annunciation

Mary and the Feminine Dimension of Humanity

Delve beneath the surface with Paul and his guest John Tuturice to uncover mysteries relating to the masculine and feminine dynamic, found throughout the cosmos and originating in the eternal Essence of God. Mary’s role as the mother Jesus and icon of the Church is the feminine principle through whom God became human to redeem […]... Read More

The Problem with a Little Science

Have you ever noticed that many of those who reject Catholicism have a grammar school level understanding of it? I would venture to guess these people make up the second largest group of ex-Catholics today. The largest group, I think it’s safe to say, are those who have accepted the invitation from the devil to […]... Read More