a) I believe in a woman’s right to choose.
b) Choose what?
a) Choose to terminate her pregnancy.
b) By doing what?
a) By cutting to pieces and expelling her fetus.
b) Which is what?
a) A developing human being.
b) So you believe in the right to kill a defenseless developing human being?
a) Yes, but I must continue using euphemisms so that my conscience will not catch up with the facts.
b) Do you think you are fooling God, too, with this psychological game?
a) I need to pretend God doesn’t exist.
b) Wouldn’t it just be easier to accept the truth? You’d be happier and more at peace.
a) I can’t do that. I’ve already killed one of my babies and won’t be able to handle the truth.
b) So you think you have to be stuck in a never-ending state of denial, pain, and anger when anyone challenges your position?
a) Yes.
b) You don’t believe in a God of infinite mercy who took on a human nature to sacrifice Himself for our sins?
a) He could never forgive me.
b) That’s an insult to God. Christ’s agony and death on the cross has infinite merit for those who repent. All the sins of the world times a trillion don’t come close to approaching the inexhaustible capacity for God to forgive and heal you.
a) But what about my baby?
b) You may ask him or her for forgiveness too.
a) Really?
b) No one is annihilated. The souls of the unborn are with God, in whatever state they may be in.
a) If it’s true that my baby’s soul is still alive, I wouldn’t know whether to pray TO, or FOR, my baby.
b) Why not both? If you don’t know where your baby’s soul is in the afterlife, let God take care of it. But start with getting right with God. Most churches offer the sacrament of Confession every Saturday. This is where your renewal can begin.
a) Thank you, my friend. I’ll certainly consider it.