Man up 2

What’s the Deal with the Lack of ‘Real Men’?

Women are publicly complaining that there aren’t enough “real men” today. A real man controls himself and his environment according to the true and good. This means taking responsibility and providing reliable leadership. . If men cannot control themselves they will never lead well. Yet, for 50 years men have been given little motivation to […]... Read More

Nature vs. Ideology: Revulsion can be good as the soul’s warning to avoid evil

NATURE.  Human beings have a natural adversity to unnatural behaviors, usually taking the form of disgust or anger.  This is normal and healthy. Disgust recognizes perversion and anger seeks to right an injustice. How one chooses to respond to this natural interior reaction is the ethical question, i.e. productively or destructively. Every child and every […]... Read More

Much Information, Little Understanding, and No Wisdom: Formal Education and the Closing of the Mind

There are three categories of content taught to young people today in public schools: a) leftist propaganda, b) inconsequential and unimportant information that clogs the mind, and, c) truth.  Unfortunately c has become a small portion in how students are being formed.  Has public education gone so far off the track of boundaries of sanity […]... Read More