The war on God, and on human nature, continues

Survey: U.S. Approval Rates as of May 2019: (a) contraception 92% (b) fornication (premarital sex) 71% (c) abortion 42% (50% disapprove, but many with exceptions) (d) divorce 77% (e) euthanasia 51% (f) pornography 61% (g) homosexual relations 64% The war on God, and on human nature, continues. What many ‘pro-lifers’ don’t get is that with […]... Read More

Reflection: Sexual Confusion – in Eden, and the United States

Why did the serpent in Eden set his sights on the woman instead of the man?  Nothing in this Genesis story is pure happenstance. Let us reflect, beneath the surface. In being formed from man’s side, the serpent knew the woman was the heart of humanity, Adam being its head. He sensed her gift of […]... Read More