What would it take to be an abortion advocate?

Being a student of human nature I continuously seek to understand why people think the way they do. My primary means is to ask them, but I also imagine what it would be like to believe what they believe and what it would take for me to do so.

I often ponder what it would take for me (or anyone) to be an abortion advocate. My thinking would have to change in profound ways – my world view, values, rationality, etc. What would it take to believe that women ought to have the legal option of getting an abortion?

Here are a few basic things that come to mind, which seem necessary for me (or anyone) to hold a “pro-choice” position.

I would have to do some or all of the following:

⦁ Deny biological science that individual human beings begin their existence and their lives at conception
⦁ Accept science but hold that women have no obligation to nurture or care for their offspring, so long as they are not yet born.
⦁ Call it a baby if the woman decides not to abort, but some dehumanizing terminology if she decides to abort, and not be uncomfortable with the contradiction
⦁ Have so much misplaced compassion for women that thinking reasonably becomes difficult
⦁ Harbor so much anger and hatred toward men that thinking reasonably becomes impossible
⦁ Believe a woman’s right to bodily autonomy for nine months trumps in importance her child’s life and entire future
⦁ Believe that innocent human life is not inviolable
⦁ Reject the common moral principle, accepted throughout civilized history, that intentionally killing an innocent human being is murder
⦁ Believe there is nothing really special, let alone sacred, about human life
⦁ Reject ethical monotheism (Judaism, Christianity, or Islam)
⦁ Pretend to accept ethical monotheism while changing God’s commands to fit my passions, especially with regard to killing
⦁ Reject the notion of hell, and the common belief that deliberately killing the innocent is one of the easiest ways of going there
⦁ Believe it can be good for women to have their children torn from their bodies and ripped apart piece by piece. Deny the phenomenon of Post-abortion Syndrome.
⦁ Create caricatures and straw men of pro-lifers and their motives. Lie that it is solely a subjective religious doctrine.
⦁ Believe all the lies and propaganda about what it was like before abortion was legal. Ignore that women were actually respected and cherished more than today, and that families were considerably more intact, leading to healthier children and adults
⦁ Learn how to divert by arguing ‘rape’ with pro-lifers as to why abortion must remain legal – even though it accounts for less than 1% of the thousands of abortions that occur each day in America
⦁ Repeat ‘life-of-the-mother’ arguments even though there is no circumstance in which a direct abortion is necessary to save the mother – while ignoring the other 99% of the annual 1.3 million abortions
⦁ Surround myself with people as irrational, emotional, and cynical as I am, for moral support
⦁ Attend pro-choice rallies and befriend angry and confused ‘progressives’ who are blinded by the world and its sexual revolution
⦁ Support political candidates that lie and pander to the volatile emotions of those whose defense-mechanisms are up in full gear
⦁ Run for office as a Democrat
⦁ Continue to support abortion in order to avoid facing what it really is, and who I have become by supporting it
⦁ Be a coward, fearful of the vile ridicule and worse that often comes from speaking the truth on this critical issue
⦁ Be so dependent on a fornication lifestyle that prohibiting abortion as a back-up for avoiding parenthood would become a frightful and unthinkable prospect
⦁ Have no understanding of the natural order, the natural moral law, and the importance of the virtue of chastity
⦁ Have disdain for the special unique character of spousal love and the family
⦁ Care more about myself than my children or God
⦁ Subconsciously have disdain for myself while pretending otherwise
⦁ Continue in a state of misery in the deepest part of my soul, maintaining a sour cynicism to which I may know no alternative
⦁ Remain in a vigilant state of denial, which eventually leads to anger, depression, anxiety, or worse health problems. Consider drugs, alcohol, or self-harm as possible solutions.
⦁ Continuously reject all promptings of the Holy Spirit to accept God’s gift of grace to repent and allow Him to heal, forgive, and grant me true peace.

Many of these things (and more) would have to occur in order for me to be ‘pro-choice’ on abortion. Ultimately, I would have to pretend it is not murder and rationalize to God, myself, and others why I support it. As we see, much would have to occur for someone to be, and remain, an abortion supporter, all of which is very unhealthy. Nonetheless, there are countless examples of people changing their position, in both directions. Those who have moved from being against abortion to being for it have often done so for political reasons. Unfortunately, for the likes of Ted Kennedy, Joe, Biden, Jesse Jackson, and many other formerly pro-life politicians, power seemed to be too much of a temptation. Regarding those who moved from being for abortion to being against it, there is a long list. Among them are Abby Johnson, former Planned Parenthood abortion clinic director, Norma McCorvey, “Jane Roe” of Roe vs. Wade, who never did get an abortion, Dr. Bernard Nathanson, co-founder of NARAL, the National Abortion Rights Action League, who performed thousands of abortions before the blinders came off, Dr. Anthony Levatino, also a former abortionist who performed thousands of abortions before realizing it was murder. One other person who was once ‘pro-choice’ but turned ‘pro-life’ is none other than the current president of the United States, Donald J. Trump.

Pray, speak out, communicate the truth with love, and be willing to absorb the consequences.  One day the dominoes of irrationality and evil will fall and the blinders will be gone. If we are not now part of the solution, we are part of the problem.

2 thoughts on “What would it take to be an abortion advocate?

  1. It’s an honest assessment. I would have to experience some or all of those things in order to support abortion. In reality I couldn’t get past the first one, since simple science tells us when we begin, or the second one, since simple moral reasoning tells me a child’s life is more valuable than my inconvenience to sacrifice for it. And remember, although a woman sacrifices 9 months of her body, a man must sacrifice 18 years of his body and time to work in order to support the child.

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