the pill

Contraception is the Matter of Mortal Sin

What is the Church’s constant teaching on contraception (artificial birth control)? “You shall not practice birth control, you shall not murder a child by abortion, nor kill what is begotten” ~The Didache, 2, first Christian catechism, written in first century AD “Intercourse even with one’s legitimate wife is unlawful and wicked where the conception of […]... Read More

The Logic from Contraception to a Culture of Death

The logic is consistent. Whenever a people accept contraception, abortion and other perversities are soon to follow. With U.S. law, it was contraception (1965), abortion (1973), and unnatural “marriage” (2015). In Ireland, it was contraception (1979), unnatural “marriage” (2015), and abortion (2018). Contraception is the catalyst that by attempting to separate love from life, it […]... Read More

Sexual Bulimia

The term “unprotected sex” is irrational. Procreation is a sign of health. It’s like saying “unprotected eating” when referring to eating without purposely impeding digestion and nutrition. Procreation and nutrition are natural ends of food and sex; whereas contraception and bulimia are not protection, but abuse. The fact that this simple logic of natural law […]... Read More
HV cover

54th Anniversary: Most Important Document of Our Times

July 25, 1968 Today is the 53rd anniversary of Humanae Vitae, the Church’s official response to the invention of the birth control pill. It gave a personalist touch to her constant unbroken 2000 yr. teaching on the moral status of contraception; which had been confirmed 38 yrs. earlier in Pius XI’s Casti Connubii. It was […]... Read More
Paulism - Insult to God

To impede life-giving love is an act of death.

Too many people do not make the connection between God Who Is Life-giving Love and how humanity is meant to image Him on earth. Contraception is a grave insult to the Creator and a severe attack on His image, human nature. As the root of our culture of death, it has far-reaching deleterious effects that most people choose not to think about. Hence, Christ through His Church officially teaches it is intrinsically evil and can never be chosen in good conscience.... Read More