Holy Spirit2

Hearts Unopened to God in the Bread and in the Wind

In today’s gospel, after the multiplication of the loaves, Jesus has His disciples get on a boat toward Bethsaida while He remained on shore to pray. The disciples eventually were tossed around on the sea due to the wind before Jesus walked on the water and came aboard, stilling the wind for them. What might […]... Read More
Bride of Christ Man and Cross

The Church is an Organism of Divine and Human Origin

The problem of failing to recognize the human being as an organism existing from conception is mirrored in failing to understand the Church as an organism— conceived with Christ’s calling the apostles and born on Pentecost day. With Christ as its Head and the Holy Spirit as its soul, the baptized in the state of […]... Read More

Two ‘hard’ Teachings of Christ are Related

It is fascinating that the two places in the New Testament that Jesus’ followers complain about His teachings are related to the intimacy of holy communion: the communion of man and woman in Marriage and the communion of Christ and Church in the Eucharist. The revolt was against Christ’s teaching that Marriage is exclusive and […]... Read More

12 Quick Points to Ponder on the Redemption of Man

1) Man’s sins are an infinite offense against the infinite and perfect goodness of God; an injustice that causes a profound rupture between God and man. Since disunion with God is Hell, mankind by sinning chose its eternal destiny. 2) To be reconciled with God, the offender (mankind represented in Adam) must pay the price […]... Read More

Victim, Offender, and Conquerer

In a post-Eden world, we all suffer the injustices of others. In this sense we’re all victims. . In the context of being sinners, we are also all perpetrators. . We become victors by uniting to Christ, who affirms: “In the world you will have tribulation, but take courage, I have conquered the world” (Jn […]... Read More
Moses seat

Do as they say, not as they do?

Today’s gospel reading includes this from Matthew 23:1-3: . “Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples, ‘The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses’ seat; therefore, do whatever they teach you and follow it; but do not do as they do, for they do not practice what they teach.'” . Jesus speaks of […]... Read More
Eucharist, rays

The Eucharist is at the Heart of Divine Revelation

A proper interpretation of the word of God sees the Eucharist at the very center of man’s creation and redemption: ⦁ It is the new fruit of the tree of life (Gn 2:9) that was rejected by Adam and reoffered by the new Adam (Christ) on the cross. ⦁ It is the new Passover meal […]... Read More

‘Real’ Difference between Catholicism and Protestantism

Since biblical times the Church has been known as the bride of Christ (cf., Eph 5:21-35). This is an important metaphor for understanding what it means to be Christian. The two elements that create an unbreakable marriage covenant are consent and consummation – when the couple says “I do” with their words, and then with […]... Read More
Christ and bride

The Mass: the Nuptial Celebration of the Eternal Marriage

The Mass is the nuptial celebration between Christ and His bride the Church.  As with all marital love, there is first intimacy of words before intimacy of bodies. Christ tells His bride how much He loves her in the liturgy of the word. She then gives herself to Him in the offertory; and He enters […]... Read More
crucifixion of Christ

Why do we call it the “passion” of Christ?

Today, on Passion Sunday, its reasonable to reflect on why we call Jesus’ suffering and death the “passion” of the Christ, when the word today is used to mean intense emotion for something or someone. Both meanings come from the Latin root ‘pati’, meaning to endure or undergo hardship. In ancient times this word was […]... Read More

Marriage and the Eucharist: Why are They so Challenging?

It’s unfortunate, but not surprising that believers have had problems accepting Christ’s teachings on Marriage and the Eucharist.  Along with the obvious poor catechesis, here are 3 reasons that may shed a little light on this phenomenon: 1) These are the two teachings in the gospels that Christ’s disciples had problems accepting (Mt 19:10; Jn […]... Read More

Word, Meaning, and Interpretation

Words without interpretation are meaningless. Words with improper interpretation become subjective falsehoods. The only foolproof way of knowing the right interpretation of words is to be informed by the one who has spoken them.  This is an important principle. So too, the divine Word without proper interpretation becomes something false in the subjective minds of […]... Read More