Fear of God, rose

The Two Kinds of Fear

There are two kinds of fear of God: one is healthy and essential to happiness, the other unhealthy and essential to unhappiness. Lack of the first leads to acquiring the second.   The first kind of fear of God enables those with immature intellects, unable to understand the big picture (child, adolescent, young adult), to […]... Read More
Paulism - Not even loved ones

Not even loved ones

Love comes in different forms. With regard to sin, love must include admonishment or at least non-support of the moral wrong. What do you do when a loved one invites you to an invalid wedding? When a friend asks you to lie for him? Or when a child of yours tells you he/she has decided to act on his/her (disordered) homosexual desires with unnatural relationships? Does misplaced compassion or fear of being ostracized get the best of you? Or do you choose God's will, communicating it with clarity and charity, and then suffer the consequences? These questions we all must ask ourselves.... Read More
human life cycle

Pro-Life is Not Simply Pro-Baby

Let me express a pet peeve of mine I’ve had for a while. In my humble opinion, one of the biggest mistakes the pro-life movement in general has made over the past few decades has been to make their point with pictures of babies and toddlers. I understand the purpose is to get people to […]... Read More

Love is also truth and justice

In our era that emphasizes love as mercy (at the expense of justice), let us not forget that love is also: comparing some people to a brood of vipers (Mt 12:34), knocking over tables of the greedy and whipping their animals (Jn 2:15), comparing your good friend to Satan (Mt 16:23), telling some people they’re […]... Read More
Designer babies

What’s Wrong with Designer Babies?

We are at a moment in time when the prospect of designer babies still seems horrid to many people. As genetic engineering gets closer to becoming mainstream, the prospect of designing one’s own babies – their sex, hair color, eye color, body type, etc. – is still met with moral indignation. My bioethics students confirm […]... Read More

Marriage and the Eucharist: Why are They so Challenging?

It’s unfortunate, but not surprising that believers have had problems accepting Christ’s teachings on Marriage and the Eucharist.  Along with the obvious poor catechesis, here are 3 reasons that may shed a little light on this phenomenon: 1) These are the two teachings in the gospels that Christ’s disciples had problems accepting (Mt 19:10; Jn […]... Read More

Hypocrisy at its Worst

If the good people killed in El Paso were killed by a suction machine before their birth there would be NO outrage and NO calls for suction-control by the Media-Democratic Party Supremacists. In fact, they would support their deaths. It is clearly projection to claim Trump wants to exterminate Latinos while supporting the extermination of […]... Read More
debate political debate

Ethics and Reason – the Forgotten Bridge Between Politics and Religion

The following two questions are related – the first was priority for premodern philosophy, the second is for modern philosophy: How should people behave? What behaviors should people be allowed to do? The first question is ethical, or the science of self-governance. The second is political, i.e. the science of state governance. The first is […]... Read More
hell3 Paulism - hell 4 Lightening hell

Sodom, the U.S., and Death by Association

Today’s OT reading was about Abraham “bargaining” with God about saving the city of Sodom from destruction via fire and brimstone. There are a number of themes one could take from this story, including the importance of intercessory prayer. My priest chose the notion of guilt by association. He had a heavy accent so I […]... Read More
Migrants in cages 3

Children, Race, and Deception

Nobody believes the far left cares about children. They wouldn’t vehemently support the daily wholesale slaughter of preborn children if they did. They also would have criticized Obama when he placed children of illegal immigrants in “cages” while processing adults, instead of waiting for the next president to display outrage. When Gov. Cuomo declared pro-lifers […]... Read More
bachelorette 3

Bachelorette Sends Contestant Home After Premarital Sex Talk

I don’t watch these foolish Bachelorette shows, but an article from foxnews.com today writes of an interchange on a recent episode between two self-proclaimed Christians. In the process it speaks rather loudly about the female psyche.  (www.foxnews.com/entertainment/bachelorette-hannah-luke-sex-twitter-instagram-home) While discerning marriage (sic), the man admits of his discomfort with the young woman’s moral beliefs on premarital […]... Read More

Headline: “Trump’s ‘Go Back’ comments Are ‘Destructive’ [and he Has] ‘Failed Badly’ at Uniting the U.S.”

The above headline is from a Breitbart article  (www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/07/15/mitt-romney-trumps-go-back-comments-destructive-has-failed-badly-at-uniting-u-s/).   As a former Romney supporter, it has become clear to me he just doesn’t get it when it comes to uniting the country. Only a person without deep principles would say what he said.  Why is this?   First, no president in my lifetime has […]... Read More