The Key to Life: Reflecting the Trinity

One reason the nation and the Church have lasted and prospered as long as they have (although the first is now floudering due to rejecting God), is that they both reflect the Blessed Trinity: Executive, legislative, and judicial branches, as well as Scripture, Tradition, and the Magisterium, both reflect, albeit imperfectly, the eternal dynamic of […]... Read More

Choosing Fear Over Faith, Reason, and Common Sense

Those who condemn abortion but support premarital sex are like those who condemn bulimia but support gluttony. Likewise, condemning abortion while supporting contraception is like condemning rape while supporing misogeny. You don’t extinguish a fire by adding fuel. And you don’t end one moral evil by supporting another. Doing so is, in itself, a moral […]... Read More

Victim, Offender, and Conquerer

In a post-Eden world, we all suffer the injustices of others. In this sense we’re all victims. . In the context of being sinners, we are also all perpetrators. . We become victors by uniting to Christ, who affirms: “In the world you will have tribulation, but take courage, I have conquered the world” (Jn […]... Read More
public square

Good Public Policy

What underlying principles should be used for making public policy? There is overlap, but generally speaking there are three options: bad morality, no morality, and good morality – which represent the philosophies of secular progressivism, libertarianism, and Christian conservatism respectively. The first two are based on a false sense of freedom born of modern philosophy, […]... Read More