Primitive vs Modern

Big Difference between Not Knowing and Rejecting

Natural law morality is universally accessible through human reason alone. In theory, no religious faith is necessary to grasp and accept it. Natural law is the moral code that corresponds to the ends and goods of human nature, for optimal human fulfillment. Although the pre-Christian pagan world that never knew Truth incarnate was primitive and […]... Read More

Choosing Fear Over Faith, Reason, and Common Sense

Those who condemn abortion but support premarital sex are like those who condemn bulimia but support gluttony. Likewise, condemning abortion while supporting contraception is like condemning rape while supporing misogeny. You don’t extinguish a fire by adding fuel. And you don’t end one moral evil by supporting another. Doing so is, in itself, a moral […]... Read More
ballot box

Necessity of Evangelization over Politics

With one disappointing election after another, we must admit that after 50 years of cultural decay, attempting to change things through the political process may be futile. Our nation as a whole has rejected Reason (the Logos) and embraced irrational power-driven hypocrisy that seeks to dominate others for one’s own selfish ends. This latter way […]... Read More
insane 3

The Era of Unreason

Other than the point that they’ve chosen the never-ending misery of hell as their eternal destiny, the problem with post-Christian “progressives” is that while they crown humanity its own god, they must reject not only faith, but reason. There’s no way to reasonably claim human beings don’t begin at conception, that marriage is meant to […]... Read More
debate political debate

Ethics and Reason – the Forgotten Bridge Between Politics and Religion

The following two questions are related – the first was priority for premodern philosophy, the second is for modern philosophy: How should people behave? What behaviors should people be allowed to do? The first question is ethical, or the science of self-governance. The second is political, i.e. the science of state governance. The first is […]... Read More

Dialogue: Human vs. Person?

Pro-choice: Okay, I must admit that science does prove that individual human beings begin at conception. But they’re not persons, until later. Pro-life: Oh? You make this distinction because of the three basic operations unique to persons – reason, free will, and self-consciousness? Pro-choice: Yes, you’ve got it. Pro-life: And you claim not all human […]... Read More

Consequence of Rejecting Reason

It is truly amazing how many people today, due to the widespread rejection of human reason, recognize only two extreme views of the world: religious fundamentalism and secular fundamentalism. When reason is rejected or ignored and truth is not believed to be objective or discernible, there necessarily exists an unbridgeable gap between revealed religion and […]... Read More