Paulism - Insult to God

To impede life-giving love is an act of death.

Too many people do not make the connection between God Who Is Life-giving Love and how humanity is meant to image Him on earth. Contraception is a grave insult to the Creator and a severe attack on His image, human nature. As the root of our culture of death, it has far-reaching deleterious effects that most people choose not to think about. Hence, Christ through His Church officially teaches it is intrinsically evil and can never be chosen in good conscience.... Read More
Designer babies

What’s Wrong with Designer Babies?

We are at a moment in time when the prospect of designer babies still seems horrid to many people. As genetic engineering gets closer to becoming mainstream, the prospect of designing one’s own babies – their sex, hair color, eye color, body type, etc. – is still met with moral indignation. My bioethics students confirm […]... Read More

Making sense of The Trinity – the central Christian mystery

How can God be both One and Three – without contradiction? Some insightful dialogue between Paul Murano and his guest Bob Leblanc on the foundational Christian mystery – One God revealed as three Persons, consubstantial and co-eternal. Beneath the surface… where faith and reason meet Give it a listen, here: Read More

Is God Transcendent or Immanent?

Taken from BTS Podcast #238:  Is God Transcendent or Immanent? Throughout ancient history God has been understood to be either transcendent to the point of being infinitely distant from us (Deism), or immanent in the sense of being the world itself (Pantheism).  Christianity includes what is best in both of these extreme conceptions, and maintains […]... Read More