Holy Spirit2

Hearts Unopened to God in the Bread and in the Wind

In today’s gospel, after the multiplication of the loaves, Jesus has His disciples get on a boat toward Bethsaida while He remained on shore to pray. The disciples eventually were tossed around on the sea due to the wind before Jesus walked on the water and came aboard, stilling the wind for them. What might […]... Read More

Building a Spiritual Second Floor without a Foundation

Every good parent (and good authority figure in general) in the beginning spells out with clarity what the boundaries are.  Analogously, when children know the acceptable area on which they can play, they then may be free to play to their heart’s content. The fence around the yard keeps them safe  from danger. This is […]... Read More
Fear of God, rose

The Two Kinds of Fear

There are two kinds of fear of God: one is healthy and essential to happiness, the other unhealthy and essential to unhappiness. Lack of the first leads to acquiring the second.   The first kind of fear of God enables those with immature intellects, unable to understand the big picture (child, adolescent, young adult), to […]... Read More