Outside looking in

The Grave Danger of Being a Cultural Catholic

No matter how many good deeds I do as a next-door neighbor to my friend’s billionaire father, I will not receive a penny of his inheritance. Even if my friend is lazier than me, has vices I don’t have, and doesn’t give alms like I do, he will get the inheritance and I won’t. So […]... Read More

Marriage, an Icon of the Trinity

The Blessed trinity is infinite Being of three divine Persons in eternal relationship of life-giving love. With the Holy Spirit proceeding from the Father and the Son, there are no impediments or barriers to this divine Personal Love – which is inherently exclusive, life-giving, and permanent. Marriage/family is meant to be an icon of the […]... Read More

The war on God, and on human nature, continues

Survey: U.S. Approval Rates as of May 2019: (a) contraception 92% (b) fornication (premarital sex) 71% (c) abortion 42% (50% disapprove, but many with exceptions) (d) divorce 77% (e) euthanasia 51% (f) pornography 61% (g) homosexual relations 64% The war on God, and on human nature, continues. What many ‘pro-lifers’ don’t get is that with […]... Read More

Alyssa Milano is Half Right

Actress Alyssa Milano calls for a sex-strike until abortion is solidified in America. Here’s one of her quotes: “Until women have legal control over our own bodies we just cannot risk pregnancy.” Well, she’s half right, in a very wrong kind of way. The truth is that without abortion as a birth control method people […]... Read More