Top 3 Reasons to be Thankful in Our Culture of Death
In the midst of the blanket of evil that has blinded the contemporary world, there are three unfathomable gifts for which to be grateful.... Read More
Celebrate Your Life, Not Just Your Birth!
Lifedays are more important than birthdays because coming into being is more profound than coming out of your mother. It's that simple. ... Read More
Predestination and the Mystery of Being
Ponder beneath the surface with Paul and Bob on the paradox of free will, God's eternal mind, and the mystery of our being.... Read More
Identity Language
It is imperative we begin distinguishing being and becoming in our language; that is, what is permanent and what is changeable.... Read More
Two Complementary Components of Being
In reflecting the infinite Love of God, every community of persons includes two groups of people: some whose primary concern is truth, justice, and excellence; and others whose focus is compassion, mercy, and equality. Some distinguish these mindsets as conservative and liberal, others masculine and feminine. They can be metaphorically referred to as the head […]... Read More
Making sense of The Trinity – the central Christian mystery
How can God be both One and Three – without contradiction? Some insightful dialogue between Paul Murano and his guest Bob Leblanc on the foundational Christian mystery – One God revealed as three Persons, consubstantial and co-eternal. Beneath the surface… where faith and reason meet Give it a listen, here: Read More
An acorn and oak tree: analogous to an embryo and adult
An acorn and an oak tree: Are they different beings?Let’s ponder, beneath the surface…. Contrary to what our senses and emotions may tell us, an acorn and an oak tree are actually the same being, with a considerably different look due to the difference in the stage of development. The problem with understanding this is […]... Read More