The Kansas referendum on abortion (Aug. 2, 2022) shouldn’t be surprising. In the dawn of our post-Roe era, we’ve had 50 years of brainwashing and social reconstruction that has desecrated marriage, broken down the family, and left society utterly confused about what it means to be human as male and female. In such a unique era, abortion has become a safety net born out of fear. For the slaughter of countless innocent human beings to end, the proper vision of the natural order must be restored. Although it’s an unimaginable evil, abortion is the deadly last domino to fall in the sexual revolution.
Most people living today have no personal experience in a world where abortion is unthinkable. That is why the restoration will take time.
Why wasn’t abortion even a question in the hundred years before the 1960s? Two reasons. Modern genetic science confirmed each human being begins at conception, and the war against human nature had not yet begun. Like virtually every other age in human history, pre-1960s America saw marriage as the only legitimate place for sex. As a result, abortion wasn’t a thing. Respect for human life always depends on respect for self, and ultimately for God. And preborn children will always be seen as the enemy in a society blinded by fornication and devastated by its moral chaos.
If you’re one to say the natural order cannot be restored because it’s now “too unrealistic,” and concede to our ongoing genocide, you are the problem. It’s not long before each of us will be judged, and our eternal destinations set. This fight, which Our Lady at Fatima called the final battle between the Church and Satan, is vital for every person living today to be involved in..