I have a hypothetical question, which could point to something very important. I will begin with four premises before stating the question.
1) There is a good chance that human beings who die before birth are with God, either in heaven or in a state of natural happiness traditionally called Limbo.
2) The sexual act is God’s way of creating human persons that will live forever.
3) You exist because your parents came together that one time nine months before your birth, with one particular sperm cell out of millions fertilizing one particular egg cell, to make you.
4) If your parents came together anytime before or after that union instead of that one union, you would never exist. Another sibling may have been created, but not you.
This is a general question, so ignore all the details about your own parents and their values.
Here is the question:
In your mind, going back in time, which of these two options (and only these two) would you now choose to have happened then:
a) that your parents decided to use contraception that night, ensuring your eternal non-existence, or, b) that your parents conceived you, as what actually did happen, but decided later to abort you before your birth.
I realize that if either option became actualized you wouldn’t be here today to answer this question. Ignore this thought, for this is a hypothetical question to uncover a moral principle. You must now choose either A or B. Read them over again carefully.
The question is not, Which is worse morally? Most people rightly believe abortion is morally worse than contraception (although most “birth control” pills and the IUD cause abortion too). Rather, the two-fold question is, Which is worse consequentially, and which of the two would you rather have occurred? Further, would you make your answer a general principle for all?
Please do not be emotionally reactive, but think this through. I eagerly await your response and hope you choose to weigh in.
aye aye aye. Well, for selfish reasons, I choose B. And I choose that praying that my parents would realize the truth and seek forgiveness. That is the only way I’d choose B. I often wonder what if… I didn’t exist. I wouldn’t know. But I’d miss out on eternal life, and hopefully, eternal happy life. God knew us before we were formed. There are infinite possibilities for infinite number of people. So, then, SOME of them won’t even be formed, is what I think. If I were one of them, I wouldn’t be ‘one of them’ to even know this. But in either example above, my parents’ souls could be at stake. I almost think that an abortion would be more traumatic for them, giving them a better chance of making them realize the truth. Yes, I choose B.