Two Complementary Components of Being

Head & Heart in balance

In reflecting the infinite Love of God, every community of persons includes two groups of people: some whose primary concern is truth, justice, and excellence; and others whose focus is compassion, mercy, and equality. Some distinguish these mindsets as conservative and liberal, others masculine and feminine. They can be metaphorically referred to as the head and the heart; and some religious traditions call it the yin and the yang. Regardless, it is easy to understand that every entity needs a healthy head and healthy heart for the body to function. No family or society functions well without these two complimentary components. No body survives with two heads and no heart, or with two hearts and no head.

Before western civilization went off the rails philosophically, it knew that heads were leaders and hearts were what kept the body together. Heads were the identity and authority, while hearts were the life and love, which nourished the head and body. Universal human intuition has always known these two components components of being, which are complimentary and interdependent.

The head moves the body, the heart keeps it strong enough to move. The masculine principle is the head, leading the body in proper directions, while the feminine is the heart, caring most about the inner life of the body itself, nourishing and sustaining it. Until recently humanity has appreciated the value of the masculine and feminism, active and passive, or authoritative and loving sides of being. Neither is ‘better’, both are necessary, and each is different.

Modernity seeks to redefine reality to claim one is better, one is necessary; and in its compulsion for equality it promotes sameness of being.

The contraception revolution is the catalyst for the great imbalance in modern times, throwing off the rhythm between the sexes so much that women have lost appreciation for their feminine genius and beauty. To maintain an equilibrium, this has led to men losing appreciation for their natural drive to lead, protect, and provide. While the imbalance causes by the pill make women vacillate between men-lite and promiscuous harlots, men have in turn become sexual predators or wimps.

While popularizing contraception created a faux ‘sameness’ between the sexes, elites brainwashed society through the media and academia to ‘politically correct’ modes of thinking that reject the awesome truth of the created order – labeling it unjust, old-fashioned, or ultra-conservative. As a result we are now have confused people living in a pornified culture who don’t even know their own gender.

Further, on the political level, as with all human organizations, the two-party political system in America has divided into polarized opposites, one emphasizing masculine values and the other feminine. In general, one political party possesses the values to lead the country, the other the values that seek to make all members of its citizenry flourish, especially the poor and downtrodden. One fosters justice for the whole, while the other a concern for fairness for the poor. Both are important. Liberals tend to make better community organizers and non-profit workers for the poor, while conservatives tend to make better political leaders, judges, and statesmen.

Lastly, the above commentary will anger three groups of people: a) those who are not prone to thinking deeply, b) those whose personal experience seems to contradict the generalizations made, and c) those who purposely hide from such generalizations for fear that, as generalizations, they might be true. Once these last people mature and experience inner healing they will at least be able to appreciate the order and beauty of creation. Further, some people may agree with the generalities but disagree on how they ought to be applied or how they are manifested.  Within this particular group there are two sub-groups: a) those who have honest intellectual disagreement, and b) those whose world view has been so conditioned and shaped by the world as to be unable to think objectively about how human beings in general are best apt to flourish.

Regardless of our own subjective experience, faith enables us to see that these complementary poles of being are found in the Source of all things Himself, that is, in the eternal love between the Father and His beloved Son, which is eternally fruitful in the Person and Life of the Holy Spirit. This eternal relation is the paradigm exemplar for all relationships that exist in the created order.

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