The Tragic Error of the Pro-Life Movement

For two centuries, abortion in America was very rare. Virtually unheard of. Since ‘Roe’, literally thousands of preborn human beings have been killed each and every day in the U.S. After almost 50 years of this, there’s no end in sight. Politically, even the so-called pro-life party believes it must make significant exceptions. Why? Because for 50 years the pro-life movement has focused on abortion, not its causes. This is a monumental mistake. Even though abortion in our country is a genocide of innocents, it is yet a symptom of the larger problem.

Two simple questions unveil the underlying issue:

  • How many people who are against pre-marital sex are pro-abortion?
  • How many people who hold that marriage is indissoluble and sex is sacred are pro-abortion?

Our abortion age is predicated on the embrace of sexual sin and the shallow delusion that there are no temporal or eternal consequences for interfering with the natural law. Despite the great challenge, if this blindness is not remedied, our society, permeated with the spiritual stench of abortion all around us, will continue as a culture of death until it collapses.

You will not end abortion by focusing on abortion, but rather on what causes the blindness and upholds the demand.

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