The One Mediator: What Does it Mean that Jesus is the Only Way to God?

The pope’s most recent spontaneous verbal faux pas can be a good cause for speculation.

There are many ways of seeking God, i.e. many different religions. Yet, there is only one way of getting to Him: “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through me” (Jn 14:6).

Nonetheless, this needs further discernment.

For example: a) Jesus indicates that as the eternal second Person of God He is truth and grace, without which there is no salvation. b) It is possible for God to work outside His established sacraments to bestow grace on the invincibly ignorant. Therefore, c) if a person genuinely loves truth and responds to grace, offered (by God) in mysterious ways, he unwittingly loves Christ.

Hence, is it not possible that one can be saved by Christ without realizing it, and without even consciously knowing Him as incarnate? Something to ponder.

One thought on “The One Mediator: What Does it Mean that Jesus is the Only Way to God?

  1. Pretty standard exposition of what it says when a person claims they are fully forgiven of all sins, errors, trespasses, guilt, and the consequences of sin precisely because God chose to forgive them in the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. God gives them the Holy Spirit to live in them and guide them through this life. One doesn’t make statements like that, as a confessional as it is, without having some kind of relationship with the Living LORD Messiah Jesus. I’ve come across ‘unchurched’ persons who upon questioning, after some familiarity, admit their parent(s) or grandparent(s), aunt(s) or sometimes even an uncle(s) claims they were baptized.

    You remind me again that Lutherans (confessional ones, anyway) and Romans are in agreement on Baptism.
    Well said, well written; TY, Sir! TYVM! Salvation does not hinge on us doing something or other, even so simple a thing as washing it. The relationship with God hinges on what Christ, the agent of the Holy Trinity, does. God grant we may all be his faithful, loyal, trusting workers!

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