The Ethics of IVF, in a Nutshell

This is my first criticism of Trump’s presidency, but it’s a big one.
He signed an order expanding IVF. His spiritual life is a journey, as is all of ours, and I greatly appreciate his presidency beginning to reverse our age of insanity on the political level. Nonetheless, In Vitro Fertilization is a grave moral evil and crime against humanity. Why?
  • For every IVF child brought to term, ~15 are killed, die in the process, or are indefinitely frozen in suspended animation. There is more human carnage from IVF than from abortion.
  • Manufacturing a child in a dish bypasses natural protective barriers for healthy conception and depends on technology and the act of a technician to create one’s child. A child is meant to be “begotten, not made” of his parents’ marital embrace.
  • One can never intentionally rupture the unitive and procreative significance of the sexual act, whether that be to impede *or* create a human being. This violates natural law and renders the act one of selfishness, not love.
Wanting a child is good, and infertility is bad. But good intentions never justify an intrinsically immoral act (Rom 3:8). As the proverb says, The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. A child is a gift, not a right (CCC 2378). That is a slave owner’s mentality. The child is a person, not an object to fulfill one’s own desires. The Church and her members must do a much better job in teaching this irreformable moral truth.

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