Rape, a deliberate smokescreen

From the National Catholic Bioethics Center:

When it comes to abortion, the state of Louisiana in past years required some of the most comprehensive reporting in the US, and their detailed records are a helpful resource for determining how frequent abortions for rape really are. Abortionists were required to fill out a form entitled “Report of Induced Termination of Pregnancy” (Form #PHS 16-ab) for every abortion. The form stated at the top: “Failure to complete and file this form is a crime.” Item 9d on the form was entitled “Reason for Pregnancy Termination.” Statistics compiled from these forms over a 14-year period reveal the reasons for 115,243 abortions in Louisiana during that time:
Reasons for Abortion in Louisiana between 1975 and 1988:

Mother’s mental health……….114,231……..(99.12%)
Mother’s physical health……..863…………(0.75%)
Fetal deformity…………………103………….(0.09%)
Rape or incest…………………..46…………..(0.04%)

These data confirm other calculations indicating that, on average, about 550 women per year in the U.S. become pregnant as a result of rape. Assuming they all ended in abortion, this means that an average of 0.04% (one twenty-fifth of one percent) of all abortions have been performed for rape — or only one out of every 2,500! Yet for every one of the more than 50 countries that now have abortion on demand around the world, the initial step taken by pro-abortion forces was intense lobbying for abortion in the so-called ‘hard cases’ — especially rape and incest. Once abortion advocates secured the availability of abortion for the ‘hard cases’ they went on to argue for abortion in any situation.

Me: When someone brings up rape, tell them you’d be happy to discuss the .04 abortions in America as soon as they admit the other 99.96 are gravely unjust.

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