Messiah-seekers don’t get it

The more I hear leftists speak about President Trump the more I realize how much they don’t get it.

The Left has always sought a Messiah in their president, someone who makes them “feel good” about themselves and who promises to save them from their misery. Since they reject the Messiah, they look for one in a politician.

They worshiped JFK, Clinton, and Obama in this way. Trump won’t give you Camelot, he doesn’t “feel your pain”, and he has no flowery poetic rhetoric. He’s not a nice guy and he’s probably not someone you want as a friend, neighbor, or spouse. He’s also probably not all that personally religious, despite his standing up for life and religious liberty.

None of this matters. In office Trump  is just what this nation now needs – someone with the hutzpuh to stand against the media-academia establishment lies, and stand for human life, marriage, and the family.

The Left wants to fall in love with their president, with someone who woos them and tells them how wonderful they are and the nice things they want to do for them. Until so-called progressives stop focusing on themselves and begin to vote for the one who is best for the country as a whole, this self-absorbed obsession will not end.

Is it too late for this country? We’ll see.  If the cancer of secular progressivism is not cured soon, it may be.

The bottom line is that if people don’t repent and accept THE Messiah as the One to enlighten, heal, and make us whole, they will continue to seek another one in the form of a finite mortal politician.

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