In our era that emphasizes love as mercy (at the expense of justice), let us not forget that love is also:
comparing some people to a brood of vipers (Mt 12:34), knocking over tables of the greedy and whipping their animals (Jn 2:15), comparing your good friend to Satan (Mt 16:23), telling some people they’re following the devil (Jn 8:44), telling friends if they ‘remarry’ after divorce they commit adultery (Mt 5:32), just as they do in their heart when they deliberately lust after women [as in pornography] (Mt 5:28), choosing God even over family members if such a conflict should arise (Mt 10:34-39), and warning people that if they do not repent of their chosen lifestyle they will go to hell (1 Cor 6:9-11).
That is love.
Yes, there is no limit to God’s mercy, and to the repentant heart there is nothing God will not forgive a million times over. But we cannot forget that love is justice and mercy; truth and compassion – not either/or. It can be soft or tough, depending on what the circumstances dictate is needed. Love is not politically correct, nor is it prideful; it obeys its Source (Jn 14:15), who is Love (1 Jn 4:8). Love never acts according to disordered desire or popularity, but only for the objective good. By its nature love is life-giving.
So let us not forget that love includes justice. Truth and justice with compassion and mercy – in its proper balance. Both/and, not either/or. That is love.