A little late-night pondering out loud…..
Most Asian nations are shame-societies, because, for the most part, they’re pre-Christian. It makes sense they’re still living Genesis 3:7-8 as their psycho-social norm.
Christian nations are joy-societies, especially the poor ones, now mainly found in Africa and Latin America. They’re Acts chapter 2 societies, that know God redeemed them and permeates them with divine life. Joy is born out of simplicity and hope in the promise of eternal life.
Post-Christian nations, which include most of the Western world, are what might be called desperation-societies. Their egotism and radical individualism leave them empty and desperate. They have no solidarity, like shame-societies do; and no hope, like joy-societies do. Since they’ve rejected their Fulfillment, they’re either desperately seeking material comforts to fill their emptiness or demanding safe-zones to shield them from truth – which, in a post-Christian desperation society, is the number one enemy. They live a Luke 4:29 and 1 John 2:22 existence.
Of course there are many exceptions to these generalizations, often enough to maintain a culture war. The Spirit has a mysterious way of working in the world. These exceptions are Romans 12:2 people:
“Do not be conformed to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may know what is the will of God, what is good, pleasing and perfect.”
Something to ponder