The only rival in recent history to the hate-Trump phenomenon was the hate-Bush spectacle. With both, it was not primarily their policies that were the object of intense hatred, but rather the men themselves. Look on the social media page of any liberal leftist and you’re bound to see it. Why the unreasonable obsession and collective vitriol? Why such a bizarre phenomenon?
Let us ponder beneath the surface the fascinating scapegoat phenomenon. It has been in existence universally and cross-culturally since ancient times. The animosity in fallen men’s hearts has need for an outlet, a ‘safe’ way to lash out to regain some semblance of peace. An object of hatred is needed for society to focus on, and to transfer the inner vile that languishes within. Without such a ‘scapegoat’, a conjured-up common enemy, societies would collapse in on themselves. Eventually, this practice was ritualized by substituting animals for humans, but the power of transference remained.
It is probably more than a coincidence that after the second Person of the Trinity came into the world to offer Himself as humanity’s ultimate Scapegoat, animal and human sacrifice began to wane. Absence of this practice in those cultures who had social intercourse with Christianity has been the norm for centuries, that is, until relatively recently.
I don’t believe it is just coincidence that a post-Christian secular “progressive” movement would usher back in both human sacrifice (with abortion) and ritual scapegoating (currently Trump). Without faith in *the* Scapegoat who takes away the vile in men’s hearts, the need for violence is reestablished. And what easier targets are there to transfer one’s inner animosity than the vulnerable preborn and the president of the United States? This reestablished phenomenon is a syndrome that is truly immoral, unreasonable, and from all outward indications, deranged.
Your thoughts?

I think that this hits the nail on the head!