Actress Alyssa Milano calls for a sex-strike until abortion is solidified in America. Here’s one of her quotes:
“Until women have legal control over our own bodies we just cannot risk pregnancy.”
Well, she’s half right, in a very wrong kind of way. The truth is that without abortion as a birth control method people would be fornicating much less. They would be forced to respect each other more, and gradually learn to discipline themselves in a more human way – like it was before its legalization wrought such widespread dependence and sex addition.
Isn’t this a good thing? How can there ever be respect for marriage in a fornication society? And without respect for marriage the family becomes frail and society gravely weakened. What more practical way is there to get back to sexual sanity than to take away the irresponsible and immoral safety net? Our contraception-abortion culture that Alyssa Milano takes for granted began with the invention of ‘the pill’ in the 1960s, making us lose sight of the very purpose and meaning of sexual love. Impeding conception and killing preborn babies destroys our souls, the lives of countless preborn children, and human civilization.
Say no to the shallow blindness of the world displayed by Alyssa Milano’s tweet, and say yes to our happiness and God’s will, which are one in the same.