God’s love is infinitely bigger than we can imagine

One of the greatest barriers to religiosity this side of Eden is our limited minds’ inability to understand the paradox of God’s infinite love in the face of our finite being. God commands us to live the truth of our nature as He designed it and punishes the stubborn hard-hearted; AND he continuously seeks repentance […]... Read More

Supernatural Gift of Faith is Another Term for Spiritual Sight

Before sin entered the world and disconnected human nature from perfect union with God, our first parents were able to ‘see’ God through faith, by the unimpeded sanctifying grace that was offered (but rejected). This spiritual sight is restored by the grace won for humanity on the cross, albeit as a bit more cloudy and […]... Read More

“I just finished reading the ‘Devil-ution of Society.'”

This Instant Message just came to me, verbatim, from a Facebook friend that I’ve never met: . “Paul, just finished reading “THE DEVIL-UTION OF SOCIETY.” Spot on! Thank you for challenging Catholics to pay attention to the tenets of the Church. I understand why some “avoided” you after reading the book. It hit home & they […]... Read More

The Complementary Sexual Dynamic the Modern World Hates

Today’s first reading at Mass is the most un-PC in the New Testament (Eph 5:21-33), which, unfortunately, leads some clergy to avoid it out of lack of faith, lack of understanding, or cowardice. Yet, it offers a clear illustration of the beauty of the masculine-feminine relational dynamic, whose source is found the eternal relation between […]... Read More

When Killing the Innocent Becomes Inevitable

In one sense, abortion is inevitable in a society that rejects its Christian heritage. Human sacrifice was common and universal in pre-Christian times, as it is in post-Christian times with abortion. Original sin created such vile in the human heart that killing the innocent became a common way of cathartically soothing it. Christ willingly became […]... Read More

Joe and Sally Discuss Attending an Invalid Wedding

Sally: Hi Joe. Are you coming to my Wendy’s wedding? Joe: Oh, I’m sorry Sally, I’m unable to make that. I was about to send you back the RSVP letting you know. Sally: Oh, no! You have an emergency? Joe: No. It’s that Wendy is a baptized Catholic, which means that if she “marries” outside […]... Read More