x: I am a progressive.
y: Good for you. What does that mean?
x: I believe in progress and advancement.
y: To where?
x: What do you mean, to where?
y: Isn’t the direction or destination of this progress important? Or do you just love movement?
x: I am moving forward.
y: Forward toward what? We can progress forward to the point of driving off a cliff. Advancement in tooth decay is not a good thing.
x: Good thing? There is no good or evil; no ‘right or wrong’ direction. Only progress.
y: Are you serious?
x: Absolutely. And in our progress we don’t judge, we accept all, we don’t offend, and we tolerate everyone.
y: Even those who believe you’re progressing in the wrong direction?
x: No, we don’t tolerate them. They are radical judgmental right wingers who want to take us back to the stone age. They need to get with the times.
y: So conforming to “the times” is more important than discovering what is true and good and conforming to it? Are you saying morality is judged by a calendar rather than by reason or a sound argument?
x: There is no objective morality, I’m telling you. We create and redefine our own moral code as we progress. Whatever suits our desires at the time. We are enlightened!
y: It is arrogance like that which blinds people, and why we now live in a culture of death. You can’t see we’re ‘progressing’ down a road that is destructive – for individuals, the family, and society. Progress in the wrong direction can be fatal. We need to change direction.
x: You’re a backward Neanderthal. Get with get the times or I’ll have you canceled.

Such sad reasonableness – sad in that so many are unaware, perhaps willfully so.