Being Skeptical about Skepticism

There are a growing number of people today who ignore, or all-out reject, human reason. They’re skeptical about knowledge – but not skeptical about skepticism.

Richie: I’m a skeptic when it comes to truth-claims. I’m not sure there is any truth, but if there is objectively we can’t really know it.

Sophia: Is that true?

Richie: Is what true?

Sophia: Your truth claim that we can’t know any truth claims.

Richie: Well, yes. I – I mean no. I mean…. there is no objective truth….that’s knowable to the human mind.

Sophia: Is that objectively true?

Richie: You’re messing with my brain again!

Sophia: I’m just following reason.

Richie: Then follow emotion, like I’m doing! There’s no objective truth because if there was it would uncomfortably challenge me to change my lifestyle.

Sophia: Now you’re being honest.

Richie: Someone must have given me truth serum; I usually don’t admit that. Even to myself.

Sophia: Then it’s time to learn from what you really know deep down. You see how your radical skepticism contradicts itself. As soon as you say there is no truth or that we can’t know truth, you’ve made a statement you assume to be true.

Richie: I guess that’s true. Oops, I did it again. Boy, what’s with me today?

Sophia: Perhaps your guard is down. Think about this, too: There is no contradiction in the opposite direction. In other words, if I say there is objective truth, which I assume to be true, my belief corresponds to my statement. No contradiction.

Richie: Interesting how that works. There’s no contradiction in “it’s true that there is truth,” but there’s an inherent contradiction in my belief that “It’s true that there is no truth.”

Sophia: I’m glad you can see this. Our intellects are designed to detect truth and to use logic to make reality intelligible for us. It actually goes against our nature to deny the truth in order to soothe our desires and comfort zones.

Richie: So, if I submit to the basic law of logic, that of non-contradiction, I guess I cannot say that we cannot know the truth. I’d have to say even that statement may be untrue.

Sophia: Bingo. You’ve got it.

Richie: Then it looks like I’ve got a choice to make: Either I continue to contradict myself and deny reality, or I conform my mind and will to what is objectively true and good.

Sophia: Yes, that is logically consistent – and will prove to be very beneficial for you.

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