a) Homosexuality is something you’re born with. There is no moral issue with homosexuality.
b) Some people may experience same-sex attraction from an early age, but this isn’t relevant to the ethical question, which is whether one ought to act on it. While a propensity or orientation may be involuntary, choosing to act is voluntary. Further, a recent study has concluded that there is no genetic link to homosexuality.
a) People can’t help how they feel.
b) But people can choose how they act, regardless of how they feel.
a) Since homosexual orientation is not chosen, it is morally acceptable to act on it.
b) That does not follow. We must first ask if the acts in question correspond to our human nature and the ends for which we are designed. If not, these acts violate human dignity and are morally unacceptable.
a) People have a strong attraction toward sex, homo or hetero, and can’t help but act on it.
b) Humans are not simply animals. We have reason and free will, and are not forced to act upon anything. If you were correct there would be no moral responsibly or accountability for acting on any sexual impulse.
a) But homosexual behavior is an expression of love. How can you say love is wrong?
b) True expressions of love correspond to human nature. Counterfeit love does not. A small percentage of the population are sexually attracted to family members, to children, and even to animals, and a large percentage are attracted to many people at the same time. Are these attractions “love”? Disordered attractions are not love. There is an objective natural moral order to love.
a) But homosexual behavior harms no one. Who does it hurt?
b) HIV and AIDS are disproportionately present among practicing homosexuals, as is depression, breast cancer, domestic violence, suicide, poor general health outcomes, and considerably lower life spans. And this doesn’t even speak of the deep psychological, spiritual, familial, and societal ramifications.
a) Since some people have a homosexual proclivity or orientation, it must be natural for them.
b) “Natural” is not something proper to an individual, but to a species. Male-female reproduction is ‘natural’ to most species on earth. Since humans are also persons, this union also has inherent meaning as an expression of love. Even when procreation is not possible (as with infertile or post-menopausal couples), persons of the opposite sex still become ‘one flesh’ by virtue of the union for which they are designed. Neither union nor procreation – the double significance of love and marriage – is possible to people of the same sex. To use an analogy, the union of a plug and a socket produces something beyond itself – electricity. This is something two plugs or two sockets can never produce – no matter how much they may desire it. They can never unite and will always be frustrated.
a) Of course it is natural; a certain percentage of the animal kingdom is homosexual.
b) Activity between animals of the same sex occurs, but it’s not necessarily homosexual. People observing other species’ is analogous to aliens observing ours from outer space. They may witness two boys wrestling in their back yard and proclaim, “Look, homosexual behavior.” It is similar to when humans observe the activity of other animals. No sexual penetration akin to intercourse has been observed under normal conditions in the animal kingdom. But even if it was, it is not always natural for us to act like animals.
a) Homosexual relationships, if of consenting adults, are fine, and nobody else’s business.
b) What is ethically relevant is whether or not sexual acts between persons of the same sex are natural and healthy – physically, psychologically, for the family and society. If they are not, it is everyone’s ‘business’ to respond justly and charitably. It is never good to condone deviant behavior.
a) Homosexual behavior makes some people happy. Why would you want to keep people from being happy?
b) Many people may “feel” happy in their lifestyle, like an addict getting their fix, but objectively are not. Adulterers within an affair, for example, feel happy in their adultery, but are not. Feeling happy doesn’t necessarily mean being happy, for being happy corresponds to doing what is good. The question can be asked this way: Can people be truly fulfilled by living against their own nature? The answer is clear, regardless of how much they desire it.
a) You sound like a bigot. A homophobe! Hating homosexuals is wrong!
b) Hating anyone is very wrong. In fact, ethical discernment should always be motivated by love. No parent allows his child to act against his good without correcting him, and no true friend allows one to languish in unhealthy and unnatural behavior without challenging him. Love wills the objective good of others. Hate doesn’t care, often allowing evil out of a misplaced compassion. Objectively, those who condone homosexual behavior are seriously harming those saddled with same-sex attraction. It’s like condoning drunkenness to an alcoholic.
a) Same-sex marriage has been legalized by the U.S. Supreme Court, and many people agree with the court’s decision. Therefore, homosexual behavior is acceptable. You’re behind the times in your thinking.
b) Supreme Court decisions have been wrong in the past. Abraham Lincoln affirmed this fact after the Court codified racism. Throughout history, courts and majorities have been wrong now and then (cf. slavery, genocides, etc.). Truth and morality are not judged by a calendar or a majority.
a) People with same-sex attraction should have equal rights. You’re no better than they are.
b) Of course they should, and do as children of God. All human beings inherently possess human dignity and rights that spring from their human nature. However, no one should have special “rights” due to disordered feelings.
a) Do you expect gay people to live as celibates, like priests or nuns!? That is mean.
b) I prefer the term “people with same-sex attraction” to “gay people”, since people ought not be labeled or identified by their feelings or attractions. To your question, some people with same-sex attraction have been able to change through maturity, counseling, or both. Others choose celibacy and find fulfillment through other endeavors. Sexual relationships are not necessary for happiness. Countless celibates throughout history have proved this by living very happy and fulfilled lives.
a) You better get with the times. Homosexual behavior and same-sex marriage are not going away. It’s here to stay so you’re wasting your time.
b) If you think my reasoning is faulty, please correct it. Truth is the only goal here, and again, it’s not measured by popularity or a calendar. I only want to be faithful to the truth. The only way to freedom and happiness for anyone is through living the truth. Seek and spread truth, and leave the rest to God.
a) I’m not interested in your truth.
b) I don’t have a truth. It has me. And, like it or not, it has you. Truth isn’t something we create, it’s something objective that we recognize and conform to, or suffer the consequences.
a) You live your truth and I’ll live mine.
b) But I just mentioned truth isn’t mine or yours….
a) Goodbye!
b) Okay, so long. Have a good day.