Mary, Annunciation

Mary and the Feminine Dimension of Humanity

Delve beneath the surface with Paul and his guest John Tuturice to uncover mysteries relating to the masculine and feminine dynamic, found throughout the cosmos and originating in the eternal Essence of God. Mary’s role as the mother Jesus and icon of the Church is the feminine principle through whom God became human to redeem […]... Read More

Scientism and Dogmatism

Scientism and secular progressivism “hate” dogma, but have as many dogmas as Christianity. Speak against one of them, like abortion or sodomy, and you’re attacked as if a blasphemer. The difference is their dogmas are not rational.  In truth, what fuels these movements is not a hate of dogma, but of Christianity. Take a listen […]... Read More

Making sense of The Trinity – the central Christian mystery

How can God be both One and Three – without contradiction? Some insightful dialogue between Paul Murano and his guest Bob Leblanc on the foundational Christian mystery – One God revealed as three Persons, consubstantial and co-eternal. Beneath the surface… where faith and reason meet Give it a listen, here: Read More
radio mic

BTS Podcast: Universal Basic Income – Social Justice or Socialism? (Audio)

What is Universal Basic Income?  Why are Democratic candidates talking about this?  Is it social justice or socialism?  Go beneath the the surface with Paul and his guest Johnny T on this economic question of money and government. Click here: Beneath the Surface radio podcast... Read More

What is Faith?

[Video Podcast] There are several meanings to the word faith, some of which we rarely think of. Did you know that around 85% of what an individual is certain of is by virtue of faith? Some would say 100%, since we must have faith in our senses and minds. Religious faith, in one sense, is […]... Read More