
Building a Spiritual Second Floor without a Foundation

Every good parent (and good authority figure in general) in the beginning spells out with clarity what the boundaries are.  Analogously, when children know the acceptable area on which they can play, they then may be free to play to their heart’s content. The fence around the yard keeps them safe  from danger. This is […]... Read More
devil reading List Game plan

The Devil’s Playbook for the End Times

Many Catholics are familiar with the story of Pope Leo XIII falling into some kind of trance after Mass one day in the 19th century and having a vision of Jesus and Satan conversing. The devil allegedly said he could destroy Christ’s Church if allowed to cause havoc for the following hundred years. Jesus granted […]... Read More

The Anti-Trinity of Our Time: You can’t defeat abortion by focusing on abortion

Click here on key insight on how to defeat abortion. Hint: It relates to the nature of the Trinity, which, of course, is the nature of Reality. My latest article. Read More

Was barring Pelosi from Communion right?

'Catholic' politicians for far too long have taken anti-Catholic stands while touting themselves as Catholics. One archbishop has finally done something about this. But is there a moral difference between support for abortion and support for other so-called life issues? Let's go beneath the surface.... Read More

What is a Person and Why is Abortion Murder?

What is a person?   1) Basic personal attributes include reason, free will, and self-consciousness. 2) Human beings are living organisms that possess these three superbiological powers. 3) These capacities can be rendered inoperative in humans by two conditions: disability or immaturity. – Disability (disease, deformity, etc.) can hinder operation of these personal powers permanently. […]... Read More
Pondering Icon

What and Why?

What and Why? By PAUL MURANO, published in Valley Patriot on September 5, 2021. Babies illustrate for us what it means to be fundamentally human. Anthropologists tell us that the first word a baby speaks, ‘mama’, is based on the mother representing food. It’s the sound they make with their mouth when wanting milk. It’s related to the […]... Read More

Marriage, an Icon of the Trinity

The Blessed trinity is infinite Being of three divine Persons in eternal relationship of life-giving love. With the Holy Spirit proceeding from the Father and the Son, there are no impediments or barriers to this divine Personal Love – which is inherently exclusive, life-giving, and permanent. Marriage/family is meant to be an icon of the […]... Read More
journalist_reporter sillouette

Most People Decrease in Intelligence After Childhood

A recent interview with a Catholic bishop by a mainstream media TV reporter went something like this: “How can you say you welcome gay people if you call them ‘intrinsically disordered’?” “I don’t call them intrinsically disordered.” “But your Church does; it’s in the Catechism.” It’s amazing how many liberals have the intellectual capacity of […]... Read More
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Anti-Trump Jubilation

Some will be offended by this post. There are two reasons: a) it’s a generality, and b) it’s true. We’ve been taught by the Left to hate both. By all objective measures (pre-covid economy, foreign entanglements, minority opportunities, fair trade, freedom of speech, conscience and religion, not laying down to China or the elite swamp, […]... Read More
riot fire Church burning

Through Which Lens Do You See the World?

Want to know your ideology, and understand your psyche? Here’s a good test. Which of these events gives you MORE of an adverse internal reaction: 1) The summer riots, where churches, holy statues, small businesses, personal homes, and individuals (like Jay Danielson) were destroyed, or …. 2) the capitol building riot (yes, one), where a […]... Read More