A recent interview with a Catholic bishop by a mainstream media TV reporter went something like this:
“How can you say you welcome gay people if you call them ‘intrinsically disordered’?”
“I don’t call them intrinsically disordered.”
“But your Church does; it’s in the Catechism.”
It’s amazing how many liberals have the intellectual capacity of children – unable to make proper distinctions. To them, you either condone a person’s behavior or you hate the person. You either condone the murder of innocent preborn children or you’re against people making choices. You either blindly follow the Leftist narrative or you’re a Nazi white supremacist Neanderthal.
The ability to make proper distinctions USED TO BE a sign of becoming adult.
The truth is, the Church teaches homosexual ACTS are intrinsically disordered, not persons. And there are some CHOICES that are good, and others that are UNUST.
We begin to understand these kinds of distinctions once we reach the age of reason, at around the age of seven. The problem is, we no longer make use of the gift of reason once we become hypnotized by media and educational establishments.
Do whatever you can to detox your own mind, and to keep your children from being formed in the great lie.