
Marriage, an Icon of the Trinity

The Blessed trinity is infinite Being of three divine Persons in eternal relationship of life-giving love. With the Holy Spirit proceeding from the Father and the Son, there are no impediments or barriers to this divine Personal Love – which is inherently exclusive, life-giving, and permanent. Marriage/family is meant to be an icon of the […]... Read More
Fear of God, rose

The Two Kinds of Fear

There are two kinds of fear of God: one is healthy and essential to happiness, the other unhealthy and essential to unhappiness. Lack of the first leads to acquiring the second.   The first kind of fear of God enables those with immature intellects, unable to understand the big picture (child, adolescent, young adult), to […]... Read More
Mary, Annunciation

Mary and the Feminine Dimension of Humanity

Delve beneath the surface with Paul and his guest John Tuturice to uncover mysteries relating to the masculine and feminine dynamic, found throughout the cosmos and originating in the eternal Essence of God. Mary’s role as the mother Jesus and icon of the Church is the feminine principle through whom God became human to redeem […]... Read More