The disordered idea of eliminating ‘disorder’

People with ambiguous sexual biology used to have Hermaphroditism; then the term was eventually changed to ‘Intersex Disorder’; and with focus on the Algerian olympic XY boxer we now learn that it’s called ‘Differences of Sex Development’ (DSD) — to avoid the word ‘disorder’.

Additionallly, gender dysphoria used to be called Sexual Identity Disorder, and homosexuality was understood to be same-sex attraction disorder before it was normalized by political pressure from the leftist elite.

This penchant to rid the language of ‘disorder’ is the mark of our times, perhaps partly out of misplaced compassion. Doing so weakens the idea of a common human nature shared by all, and so introduces the notion that everyone may define their own truth as they wish. The result is utter confusion and moral chaos.

We must regain with clarity the truth that the human race is fallen and that we are all disordered in one way or another. To run from this reality compounds the problem. We all have imperfections that we can either give in to or try to overcome (with God’s grace). Only in facing, and living, the truth are we made free.

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