The Anti-Trinity Creed of Our Age

The Credo of the Culture of Death

In the name of Contraception, and of Fornication, and and of Abortion.  Amen.

We believe in Contraception, the father, the mighty creator of our culture of death; of sexual sin visible and invisible.

And we believe in one idol, Fornication, the only son of the pill; born of the contraception pill before our age. Sin from sin, dark from dark, true lie from true lie; begotten, not made, morally consubstantial with contraception. Through it many children are made.

We believe in Abortion, our lord and giver of death, who proceeds from contraception and fornication, with contraception and fornication is adored and glorifed. It is promoted through the media.

And we believe in one, unholy, individualistic, and secular society. We confess one baptism into the denial of sin, and we look forward to the destruction of the dead, and the life of the world without man.  Amen.

Paul Murano

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