The Irrationality of the Cultural Catholic

CC: Marriage is beautiful. Anything that denigrates or defiles it is bad.
PC: That is offensive! Keep your beliefs to yourself.
CC: You’re free to ignore me. But I’m obligated before God to evangelize, as are you by virtue of your Baptism and Confirmation.
PC: How can I ignore you when your words cut right to the heart?
CC: What does that tell you? These truths aren’t from me.
PC: Can’t you talk about other things?
CC: Sure, I can mention a Catholic’s obligation before God to attend Mass every Sunday and receive absolution regularly in the sacrament of Confession.
PC: You’re a radical.
CC: No, these are the basics straight from the Catechism: Attendance at every Sunday Mass and other Holy Days of Obligation, as well as regular sacramental Confession as needed, are of “the indispensable minimum” for maintaining one’s relationship with God (CCC 2041-43). It defines the beginning of what it means to be a practicing Catholic – which is how we promised to live and raise our kids when we said “We do” in the sacred oaths we made to God within the Baptismal ritual. 
PC: Can’t you just talk about about ‘social justice’ or being nice to others, so that no one gets offended?
CC: Good deeds are meaningless without first possessing the grace born of uniting with God on His terms, revealed to us through Scripture and Tradition.
PC: Challenging comfort zones we’ve chosen for ourselves is highly offensive, you know.
CC: You feel offended only if you feel guilty. And you feel guilty only if it scratches your conscience. No one feels guilty at what they know to be false.
PC: You’re a bad person! Don’t ever talk to me again.

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