Anti-Trump Jubilation

Some will be offended by this post. There are two reasons: a) it’s a generality, and b) it’s true. We’ve been taught by the Left to hate both.

By all objective measures (pre-covid economy, foreign entanglements, minority opportunities, fair trade, freedom of speech, conscience and religion, not laying down to China or the elite swamp, and, of course, the cause of life), Trump was one of the better presidents in US history.

Yet, half the country is jubilant and relieved he’s gone.

Whatever the real election numbers were, no one voted FOR Biden; they voted AGAINST Trump.


Using his demeanor, tweets, or egotism as a reason to vote against him is as irrational as a Catholic who falls away from the faith due to a mean nun or an abusive clergy. It’s an excuse used to obscure the real problem.

God often surprises us by the people He uses to challenge our comfort zone. In our rapidly devolved culture of death, Trump the president (not the person) has challenged those actively hiding from God – and it made them uncomfortable. God used what many saw as a boorish, rude, egotistical millionaire and former playboy to remind them they ultimately live in a Kingdom, not a democracy, where Jesus Christ is King.

There are two sub-groups to those who celebrate Trump’s loss: those who want the world to “progress” past God (hence, the term progressive), and those who hide from God because they hate themselves and don’t think He can forgive them. Both groups – those who don’t care about God’s justice and those who don’t believe in His mercy – voted against Trump in order to feel better about themselves.

Their relief and jubilation is similar to what occurs in those getting away with a crime or getting a fix to assuage an addiction. It won’t last. There’s only one way to conquer the internal unrest, and it’s not through politics.

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